Actually I don’t hate this. Even though the uke went through so much in the past, he didn’t forget. He’s taking his revenge little by little, but it doesn’t mean he can’t get confused why the people around him are different. He doesn’t realize that he was the reason why there are positive changes around him, even the emperor. But still he made sure to hurt the motherfucker (seme) and even kicked out the maid ^^ And the character development is actually not bad!! Most revenge stories fall for the seme all over again and forget their revenge by chapter 10, but our uke is still badass and still doesnt forget why he was given a second chance! And the seme is actually changing for him unlike his past motherfuckerly self so its kinda cute!

Idk about yall but this manhwa is one of the best Ive read so far. The way it emphasizes how women were seen back then humbles us because in today’s time, we are allowed to speak our mind and people would actually take time to listen. Also, Yuri is not as dumb as she seems. Not dense either. A great read indeed!
2025 just got better frrrr!