why is he always so.... in their business lol i'm pretty sure the alpha brother was out of line for that so doyun had every right to be angry. if my sister ever said that to my boyfriend i would furious out of my mind. the doctor has no right to be upset at doyun. he ain't even in the family either so ?? tha fawk

I guess western and eastern cultures are very different...if my daughter talk bad to her older sister bcz she criticized her bf then I would smack the younger sister first and then the older one...
Respect is a thing in eastern culture love although I know in this chapter the brother went a bit overboard...

why are people tryna tell shige whats best for shin?? its not their right to involve themselves in their relationship. everyone's just making decisions for shin and nobody actually cares about what he thinks, like how mole guy went to his boyfriend like shige owns shin. jesus. if somebody i considered a friend did that to me i'd be uncomfortable. if shin wants to be with shige, let him be. if shin wants to be with mole guy, then thats fine. but he doesnt wanna be with mole guy so why is mole guy trying to but into things that he should have zero reason to interfere with
i mean you can give relationship advice, but ultimately his life is his. let him make his own decisions.

it's a chinese manhua so i really dont expect anything. they always turn out having messy writing and nonsensical, illogical situations and the main character is practically always a mary sue. from the looks of it this isn't any different lmaoo

To be fair, most are based off their webnovel counterpart and their 2-10k chapter ridiculousness where even a condensed summary would give you a respectable saga wordcount. So there is reason to the messy plot and seemingly completely different storyline/genre in the latter half of these Chinese manhuas.... that being said, I no longer read the romance ones and just came to check if it was. Now that I'm sure... *flees into the far distance* bye
the whole thing felt like a fever dream .... like it just went 300mph and didnt stop at all LMFAO