2020-09-27 16:24 marked

He doesn't trust Seungbae because no one he's ever trusted has ever helped him. Sangwoo occasionally shows Bum affection, so Bum clings to that. No one has ever showed Bum what love is, and he believes that no one except Sangwoo cares for him (which is true, Sangwoo is the only one who cares, in his own fucked up way). Bum doesn't believe anyone else is capable of loving him because he considers himself a bad person (he did kill a woman, which heavily weighs on him).
Bum doesn't know where else to go if not with Sangwoo. I'm not condoning their relationship, but I understand why Bum does the things he does.
2017-10-15 06:22 marked
Yul x Death Yul x Death Yul x Death