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Bee December 9, 2023 2:01 am

I was interested in reading this until I looked through the comments. Looks like the ML ends up possibly switching? I mean, the cover literally translates to "I want to see Kisarazu-kun’s ××" and Kisarazu being Kouya's last name, should've indicated that he is end game, so the whole thing is sorta putting me off.

Is this worth the read? Should I start? Maybe I'll wait until it ends hahaha

    missynoya_01 January 27, 2024 11:18 pm

    Honestly??? I like Tatsuo wayyy better at least he ain't insecure about his career drived gf

Bee January 6, 2021 4:00 pm

Solhwa THREW away her life and body, after giving up, and now that she sees how Ellin's made a better life with her body she wants it back? And plus, she wants to PLACE herself into the body's current situation AFTER Ellin did all the work - living her best life and getting the guy. She didn't have to work for any of that! Not cool.

But at the end, we can't ignore the fact that it's really Solhwa's body, it's not just a random object like a bag, that was thrown away.... Hopefully it's a fake Solhwa created from dark magic, and Ellin will win!

Bee's questions ( All 16 )

Bee May 1, 2021 3:11 am

Hi, i know this is a long shot because my memory is it is very vague, but I remember reading an apocalyptic type yaoi manga. There were either zombies or monsters and something about certain humans that give off a scent. MC is fighting by himself and gets saved or helped by a guy they end up in a cave afterwards and the guy pushes down the mc and says he smells good. It's not Zombie Hide Sex. Thanks!

Bee January 15, 2020 7:55 pm

Hi all, I'm trying to remember a manga I read a few years ago, so it's not a recent story. The uke had a crush on the seme back in high school and never said anything. They meet again working on a project where he's a freelance graphic designer or something, hired by the seme's company. Uke pretends to not remember him, but the seme remembers him from hs, knows he had a crush on him and basically coerces him into a relationship with him saying he had to since he was his first love. Thanks!

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First manga ever read was Candy Candy, back in the 80's.  Have been hooked ever since!

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