LOL... So, what would you call people who love watching killers themed movies?? Psycho? After all, killing people happen in real life and it's such a horrible act. Does that mean they are okay with that? What would you call people who love watching BSDM? You might say, that's just a play and people involved in that fandom doing things with consent......

2019-09-26 21:35 marked

Alright I'll start by saying, I am a female pansexual. Male, female, black, white, yellow, purple, orange, one eye, three legs, large, skinny, short, tall, Whatever: makes no never mind to me. Now on to your questions. I only read one and a half responses so I could keep my answers more honest and un biased. My answers come directly from me and my......

2018-12-15 14:33 marked

get me the coke's Favorite Tags

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