When I read this manga at first, I thought it wasnt too crazy at least. But the latest updates just left me so SHOOK. Especially seeing the ukes just so broken face.. that felt so twisted.. just shook.. but its so addicting and I cant wait til next chap.. Harada strikes us again with a brilliant work..

Seiji, has an earring on his left ear and is the alpha. (He liked the flowers)
Aiji, has an earring on his right ear and is the omega. (This ass destroyed the flowers and blamed the mc).
Just me that ships Seiji with Towa? XD Aiji made me angry in the latest chap with the whole blaming, punishment and locking Towa on the balcony naked.

Soo, Yule is a complete ass and pschyco as always, no big surprise there. That Dong hyuk seems pretty weird as well, and I bet he’s crazy af. I mean, who tf would continue banging their lover when they passed out? Dong Hyuk seemed pretty obseesed with Kyungsoo. Tbh, I either want a new character who actually is decent comes in and save kyungsoo or I want Kyungsoo to go all independet and strong willed.

Tbh throughout this whole manga I was feeling uncomfortable with the ukes.. I continued reading, thinking that the second couple may have a twist, (that the clumsy guy turned out to be the seme instead) but nope.
Before anyone jumps on me, saying “ Why are you making a comment if u dont like it!” I’m just stating my opinion. It may suit some of your tastes, but not mine. I respect that. So respect mine. Peace.
Tbh I really dont want Lilly and Sowoon to end up together. Sowoon would be better off never getting married or anything.
Lily* Soowon*
Ahhhh I love you! Damn I wish I thought of this.