PeroKeroro March 9, 2021 4:26 pm

He said me too in Korean. It's Na Do. It was even in the very end! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAA!

PeroKeroro March 5, 2021 11:55 pm

This is the common reaction to under prepared sex. Like it would hurt with the normal size. With a schlong that big, that could take your breath away. Literally make it hard to breathe.

PeroKeroro February 17, 2021 11:20 am

"He is unexpectedly affectionate to me."

A few moments later

A chair was kicked.
Some hair were pulled.
And consent was thrown out of the greenhouse.

Hopefully he's not the daddy.

PeroKeroro February 17, 2021 10:53 am

Ian you are hiding again! At first, your greatness were forced to be hidden by awful people and now you force yourself to hide to stay with the person you love. Get out of that situation. I feel like he haven't grown much if this keeps on dragging on.

PeroKeroro February 16, 2021 8:10 am

I think my patience and willingness to understand walked out when he first said to Yeonwoo to accept being raped at the party and never did went back. I need more tears from Keith and also suffering.

Btw, Keith can provide Yeonwoo all the pudding that Yeonwoo wants but it will never bring justice to what Keith did to Emma's sandwich. My asian ass won't forgive you for what you did to that sandwich.

PeroKeroro February 15, 2021 2:54 pm

People who are blaming Ohara alone are so biased. Let me just say that THE KIDS neglected and disrespected Shuli for the entirety of her stay at rthe mansion. Everyone was to blame here.

Ohara's action didn't paved the way that led to the death of Shuli. It was the collective actions of Elias, Jeremy, Leon, Rachel, and Ohara. If I might add, Ohara words were nothing compared to the treatment the other kids gave her.

Just accept the mere fact that the kids of this timeline are shit.

    Hime February 15, 2021 3:14 pm

    Right the only reason shuli believed oharas words were bc of the bad relationship they had and the no communication.
    And then there is their knight who told the priest and let her leave even though he could have seen it coming when he parted ways with her.

    Mallimalli February 15, 2021 3:14 pm

    The Ohara bitch had no right to speak though. Yes the children were in the wrong for neglecting her but they never forbade shuli from family events.

    Sis shouldn’t have gotten involved in family affairs. Tbh it’s Jeremy’s mother so who is she to say she doesn’t want shuli at the wedding. She didn’t even have the nerve to say she didn’t want shuli there, she used jeremys name to say she wasn’t welcome.

    Ohara was the final straw to this. If sis kept her mouth shut and not let some petty jealousy get to the best of her, shuli may have been ok

    goldregalia February 15, 2021 3:14 pm

    Yes. I agree. The kids failed her so hard when she only wanted to protect them...

    Marian February 15, 2021 3:16 pm

    Grief and coincidence are not working in Ohara's favor rn, after all they dont know (and maybe never will) that it was the priest doing, they only know she died in the trip Ohara aparently made Shulli do.
    Tho I agree that years of those kids attitudes were probably more taxing than just some interactions with Ohara. But at the same time, Shulli was already used to those and understood them, so probably Ohara's words hit more heavily

    Hime February 15, 2021 4:26 pm
    The Ohara bitch had no right to speak though. Yes the children were in the wrong for neglecting her but they never forbade shuli from family events. Sis shouldn’t have gotten involved in family affairs. Tbh i... Mallimalli

    something I also always forget. The real Last one who should have kept his mouth was the knight who told the priest. He had no business telling private information, the location of his master. he failed his job and even let her leave with only 2 guards. his friend then killed shuli in the cruelest way possible.
    We both know that everyone will regret and blame themselves the most, even ohara.
    and shuli died with all her regret and self guilt.

PeroKeroro February 12, 2021 10:49 am

It's either your peace of mind or your libido. You must choose one. You can't have both darling.

PeroKeroro February 11, 2021 3:58 pm

Why throw water to him when you can throw Cassian in the body of water? That piece of shit deserves to be thrown like a traaaaash!

PeroKeroro February 10, 2021 7:47 am

Hopefully it evolves to a Childmelion and later a Childrizad.

PeroKeroro February 9, 2021 8:51 pm

Don't attack anyone just because you don't like the plot. Drop it if it doesn't suit your taste but never assault anyone with your hateful words especially the author.

Seriously, I am dropping this because the current episodes has "Love or Hate" level of ambience. And I can't deal with that.

    BabyUwU February 9, 2021 9:33 pm

    Right like? Love or hate kinda ruined itself for me. But I didn’t go harass the author. If you don’t like than just drop it. Some people really are dumb

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