R Î N's feed

Those who think the story is random I think your not reading it properly because it's a simple plot with a "fragile" and low self esteem female lead. However the fl isn't dumb I think she doesn't have confidence and she is bit sensitive . She doesn't have that cold attitude where she can flip anyone off. She's sweet and innocent (bubbly I guess). I honestly think she is strong she is baring enough and is trying her hardest. I still think she can do more for herself if she was more confident. She really needs some dignity.The "real" villain in this is a manipulative and gas lighting person who manages to make everyone go against the female lead who has no dignity whatsoever but you know the fl always waits for the MC to come save her. In a story I like a lead where they can take charge of their own situation and defend themselves. That’s probably because that’s someone I want to be. (Which is depressing lmao) But rather I can understand the female lead. Her feelings are quite relatable. I would feel the way she is feeling when no one is on my side. They accuse me of everything, acting as if I am the attacker whilst I am the victim. This will make her feel really isolated. But she is strong and fighting against all the negative. Sure the people are REALLY toxic towards her, but she needs to slap back at them. She also needs to be true to herself and stop hiding she needs to fight that bitch back. Take control of her own life. Fight back against her family. Don't let them stop her. This can help her gain confidence and develop her as a person. ? She isn't honest with herself and she doesn't start being FOR REAL she'll keep feeling more down and isolated as if she shouldn't try. But anyhow this story makes my blood boil a bit, my anger issues were gonna punch the screen. BUT WOW. I like this manhwa!!!!

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