Okay seriously DO NOT spread this website around any social media like inst@gr@m or t1kt0k. :'(
We NEEEEEEEEEEEEEED this webiste to stay alive!! You wanna read manga dontcha? If ya wanna recommend stuff then do it privately.
We got alotta good stuff here that other websites are too shitty to have so PLEASE GOD DAMMIT FOR THE LOVE OF MANGAGO DO NOT SPREAD THIS WEBSITE AROOOOOOOUND!!!ヽ(`Д´)ノ
P.S: help spread the word pls :,( thank you for reading this and the one who made the comment this is his/her name amazon trash
Okay seriously DO NOT spread this website around any social media like inst@gr@m or t1kt0k. :'(
We NEEEEEEEEEEEEEED this webiste to stay alive!! You wanna read manga dontcha? If ya wanna recommend stuff then do it privately.
We got alotta good stuff here that other websites are too shitty to have so PLEASE GOD DAMMIT FOR THE LOVE OF MANGAGO DO NOT SPREAD THIS WEBSITE AROOOOOOOUND!!!ヽ(`Д´)ノ
P.S: help spread the word pls :,( thank you for reading this and the one who made the comment this is his/her name amazon trash
wait why not? is it getting taken down?
Yeah, the website has been down a few times