Lizzie created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

There's a line between bullying and assault. A lot of what I see from Korean news is not bullying but assault, legally protected under law even when causing injury or death. It's insane. Bad cases appear all the time, no matter the location.

Did Laila and Camilla always know each other, or did out OG!FL just have a mental breakdown?

Camilla was never in an orphanage, she should have been with her mother and Ravi.

Lizzie created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

Flabby is justice!

The only one allowed to poke Iruma's soft tummy is Clarin :D

Being a king is all hard work and boring, making a king is fun and you can walk away after. Iruma is going to lead everyone, he's setting off on his gathering phase.

Lizzie created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Tsk, tsk Diana, imagining her face is giving me feelings. Lol.

Lizzie created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

Ravi is being a baby and sulking. Tsk, tsk.

Camilla's punch was hilarious though.

In the OG novel; Ravi's misdeeds were because of his perceived inferiority complex. It's not that he wants attention so much that he feels insecure. At least it seems like that to me.

Lizzie created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

Iruma's face ringing the the bell was hilarious.

Iruma is smart! He got people he can trust and who are incidentally super helpful. It's easy to forget when we see him smiling that Iruma has a lot of trauma especially when it comes to separation. Short term is still bearable, but they've been going from event to event, so it's become super stressful (for me, a reader).

While being strong alone is something positive, Iruma doesn't need that, he's been strong alone for 15 years. He's survived and struggled enough. And you can't build a kingdom by yourself.

Lizzie created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

Gramps and Opera got to see the show! I was sad they weren't there.

Aww, poor Cerberus, like Kalego he's a big softie.

Lizzie created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

Hyunjae is so yummy.

Yoojin's trauma is not something that anyone else can understand. He's got 5 more years of grief and pain that he can't talk about. This is about the best he can manage, it's his reason for living.

Lizzie created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Diana is so deep into her hypocrisy that I don't think she can see reality. She's like a Karen or a petty HOA board member. They believe strongly in nonsense that isn't real.

Instead of thinking of herself as a Royal and learning and accepting those responsibilities, she thinks of herself as an untouchable, not a Saint. Cause girly ain't out there feeding and healing the poor. She depends on the church for her good deeds, and, lol.

Hestia is at least an understandable case study for me. She's never wanted to be here, she just wanted to watch the story play out but saw a terrible ending where her fave continuously self harms and finally had enough. She decided to change the ending! But she's never thought about her ending, this is where she is now.

Hess has to think about herself and what she wants, it's not simple because her support system is based on this made up identity. She doesn't even know if she'll be alive in a few months, she's trying her best.

Lizzie created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

I feel for her muscles, apart from the tight clothes, but girl is not built like a swords master, lol.

Lizzie created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

Babyls trolling students as always.

I guess Sylvia's hair is permanently like that now. It looks hot in either colour, but needs some styling, guess I have to get used to it.

I don't trust Mephisto too much, but I trust Iruma, he's better under pressure, lol.

Lizzie created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Lol, poor Hess! The ending cracked me up.

She got the 'truth' out of Diana, which kind of blew my mind. Diana is nuts and hasn't even acknowledge anything that's going on around her, in her mind as long as Hestia is banished and Kael returns all her problems are solved. Like gurl..? At least get a lawyer or something. I can't with crazy (and stupid) people.

Though I do find it sad how different both Diana and Helios looked on their wedding day. Just blissfully happy, I felt that it was a pity until I remember what poor Kael was like at that moment. Not even their fleeting happiness was real since it was built of the pain of a friend they used for dirty work and discarded.

Hestia is one of the rare protagonists that didn't come to change the story, she lived the original and just fangirled, yet still got a re-do, so she decided to throw hands. I find her understandable.

Lizzie created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

But for real, I feel so bad for OG Camilla. she was disliked because she wasn't from this world, everyone instinctually rejected her and even wanted to kill her. She fared worse than our protagonist who had a miserable childhood, but was able to make a life for herself. It's sad, because some people really do go through things like that.

(good lord my spelling, lol)

Lizzie created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

I was wondering how the ranking was going to go, I though Iruma would decline, but he didn't even get the chance! Lol, Kalego I missed you. I missed Dali-sensei too.

Not that Iruma didn't deserve it, but it's a lonely thing to be ranked higher and it's a bit dangerous for him. Iruma can't keep a low profile, but his ranking at least offers protection. Beem should go up one/ two ranks though and graduate, Sylvia should also go up one rank too.

I'm glad the Art Battler got recognition, but that was also because Iruma is that kind of Demon King, he makes other demons shine!

Lizzie created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Diana is such a huge hypocrite and lunatic performer. I don't understand why she was made a saint.

All the saints I know suffered greatly and died young. Forget abuse of power, some even had their skin peeled off.

Lizzie created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

Wasn't Velare/ Belare green? A green jewel snake-u?

Is my recall wrong? Probably, lol.

Lizzie created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Diana has gone from annoying to full on creepy and ick. Yikes, she literally made my skin crawl.

I think the manhua will do some things differently from the novel. They usually do for simplicity and time.

Lizzie like the answer
Mushoku tensei. All those pedophilia apologizers can suck my dick. I swear they've thought of 100+ excuses to justify their irredeemable, creep ml. Fuck you all.
Lizzie created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

So does the blond hair mean her and Ravi's dad was originally a royal, like one of those that just went wandering.

His face is mildly punchable, it'll depend on his next words.

Camilla's pants look incredibly uncomfortable. A lot of artists can seem to get them right.

Lizzie created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

So cool Beem getting recognition and getting a potential job. His chibi form is so precious and is my fav next to Clarin's.

Azz and Iruma really went for the hot look, probably picked up from Amu-chwan.

Dang, Iruma got all these top level guests and then Grandpa too, though the school is used to it, lol.

Lizzie created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Kael was extra beautiful this chapter, my heart went all "doki!" at that smile. Hess has also gotten prettier I find, like shinier.

I hope the boat still sinks, which sounds kinda awful because the crew of that ship are innocent.