I'm 41 now but was 39 then(I look at least ten years younger,modest eh!),anyway I have epilepsy and after a fit that got me six stitches to back of head my bf(we're Scottish)came to get me and the doctor goes "I'll give your dad a copy of the concussion leaflet so he can keep an eye on you" and handed my bf the leaflet. To be fair we're both guys and as I said I look younger than I am and he is 19 years older than me. Still hilarious.

I dont know what it is but gay guys seem to have ,sometimes, a odd perspective on stalking. Im from scotland(gay friendly country)and about a year back(im 41 but really dont look it,but being that old means i know when something is off)i very casually was sex buddies with a guy. When i dropped him he cyber stalked me(im 5,11 but often mistaken for a younger girl,ive no make muscles or body hair so cant really fight,my wrists etc are like sticks) and i was terrified. He even took pictures off me online and set up profiles on gay dating sites saying he was me.
And he kept contacting me on dating sites pretending to be someone else, i got wise realising he always asked the same thing's. But i didnt know if he would turn violent and i knew he had been violent with other partners, i finally threatened him with the police since then i get only the odd msg which i ignore. But it went on for months, everytime i went to meet someone for the first time i was scared it would be him.
In the 2017 anime there's an episode where mini and Hermes talk to a legendary travellers motorad. It hasn't been ridden for possibly centuries,at least many decades and begged to be ridden again,for that was its not and purpose.
Anyway last week I saw a BMX outside a shop. Despite the busted breaks,rusty chain,ripped seat and black paint applied with a paintbrush I could tell under that mess was a wonderful chrome frame,and other indications told me once this bike had been loved and cherished. It was someone's pride and joy,money and more important effort had been out into it.
Now it belonged to a toothless alchoholic(I'm 41 and have my own issue with methadone,which in Scotland is given to you for free by government)so I didn't think I was better than him(modesty aside,I'm gay,look 15 years younger and no criminal record,never been caught lol),so I punched him when he was getting on the bike and peddled away. I'm not a bike person so gave it to someone I know for free. She will restore it and love it. And no,I don't regret it. A bike is made to be enjoyed.