Ml should be in ancient asian era whether china, japan, korea, taiwan or any because wtf is that long hair? I know some arabs have long hair but not that kind of long hair. It doesn't feel like modern to me lmao.
The hell is the name lazward sounded like lizard idk if this is an actual name of arabs (im sorry to any arab readers here correct me if I'm wrong) The rest of the characters are okay but meh.
Author need to go out and travel like any other authors because i am kinda pissed off at this kind of character design and plot (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Another male mc with strong insecurities, acting like decent person but is a shitbag with shitty personality, a piece of shit that you want to shoot his dick with a shotgun to prevent having a descendants because he doesn't deserve to have one.
The women are wasted to be with him. I rather they go fuck with proud, confident, honest, good personality, a little bit arrogant with good looks or average but at least not a piece of shit. This pornhwa targeted for losers who have shitty personality and insecurities with small dick energy.
Excited for crossdresser seme but is a shit. Everyone invalidating uke's feelings for being molested and harassed. The too much stereotypes of gays... (︶︿︶)=凸