Ok. As a woman who was molested by a man I want to say that that comparison is completely ridiculous. Of course I distrust men whom I don’t known and there will always be that kind of worry even with people I trust but the rate at which women are sexually assaulted and molested by heterosexual men is much much much higher than the rate gay men perpetrate sexual assault in fact gay men are more likely to be assaulted by heterosexual men “ The vast majority of male offenders who sexually abuse or assault other men identify themselves as heterosexual. Some offenders target males simply because it gives them a greater feeling of dominance, power and control than abusing a woman. Sexual assault is usually much more about violence and anger than it is about lust or sexual attraction. The vast majority of males who target boys for sexual abuse aren’t gay.” (Source https://aasas.ca/support-and-information/men-and-sexual-assault/) so let’s put that line of thinking to rest since a simple google search can give you the facts and statistics. Additionally as women we don’t have to have been victims of any kind of assault to feel that innate distrust given the media that surrounds our helplessness and vulnerability to assault (even if unproven) for women there is always the possibility even when amoung trusted friends.
Additionally I’d like to address those saying that hating gay people or disagreeing with the lifestyle is an opinion that should be respected I have to ask if you’d say the same if I’d said I just don’t like black people? You might think that that’s a jump but is it? One cannot change if they are gay same way you can’t change the colour of your skin. If you believe this it’s because you are, as the women in the manga state, uncomfortable with questioning your ingrained ideals. This is not ok. You are denying to treat a whole group of people as just that, people. Disagreeing with a group’s life style is disagreeing with their humanity. There is no respect in that.
Listen guys, we all have to exam why we think a certain way even if it makes us uncomfortable. If you’re a child or even an adult reading this and having to come to terms with your internalized homophobia know that having it is not an inherently bad thing, I was homophonic as a child because I believed that they were simply wrong and that it was ok for me to believe this I learned later that denying anyone this was wrong. The fact that I used to think that way doesn’t make the me now a bad person nor does it make you. We all have room to improve and learn and grow. Don’t take any one word as gospel and exam your own beliefs and wether they are your own or learned from someone else.
Denying someone their humanity is hate no matter what.
(For clarification I’m not accusing anyone of being a bad person for agreeing with what was stated it just means you have room to grow which is a good thing )
As a girl who played baseball my whole life the sexualization of zawa is funny in the manga and all that but also very real it’s a little ironic we don’t get to hear her thoughts on it other than a little blurb saying she contemplated the distance between her and her team mates and cried herself to sleep which is played for comedic effect. This isn’t to say I don’t love this manga which I do!