There where missing info that still needs to be revealed, like that news paper guy and how Kain ended up with. He probably died with Reinhardt too I guess.
It was confusing at first but then everything about Reinhard's past explained every details.

In the afterword, which sadly didn't get translated here, the mangaka said that Tsumgumi found out his relation with Licht and Kain in the letter he got from Reinhardt-sensei in the end
there were some other details about the story in the afterword which the mangaka couldn't put into the story because of reasons, so it is sad the scanlation group didn't work on it
(even though there isn't really much said about the newspaper guy - ....he doesn't even have a name X'D - the mangaka said that he was just used to show how someone tries to reveal the truth behind the school principal's accident )
Kagami was a true gentleman with the meek Jin