The story is a "young master" or just a rich kid who is bossing his "butler" around aka forcing him to get his hair bleached and cut, and using him for sexual favors. His uncle is a real creep and gives him a watch for his birthday. In the end his dad sells everything and runs away, while the "young master" is left behind and the uncle is probably out to get him. The "butler" then "saves" by sexually using him back and taking him with him away from the house.
I have spent weeks looking for this yaoi! Thank you soooooo much if you can help me find it!
The story is a "young master" or just a rich kid who is bossing his "butler" around aka forcing him to get his hair bleached and cut, and using him for sexual favors. His uncle is a real creep and gives him a watch for his birthday. In the end his dad sells everything and runs away, while the "young master" is left behind and the uncle is probably out to get him. The "butler" then "saves" by sexually using him back and taking him with him away from the house.
I have spent weeks looking for this yaoi! Thank you soooooo much if you can help me find it!