Can you guys send me your favorite Shounen ai that actually have the main couple deep kissing and making out not like in Here you are where they had like 4 kisses in all of the 118 chapters i can't stand that and thats why i don't like 19 days too. Thank you in advanced !! I wanna read more shaounen ai but with more umph
There are a lot of kissing cessions in, an if I remember correctly it’s yaoi around the end (but not very smutty)
this is shounen ai but they get a lil spicy in the extra
this says yaoi but it's basically a shounen ai with how fluff it is and they're an established really cute couple
Hey guys can anyone link me to this manga here if we have it
I swear I remember like it was on this website in English but now I cant find it
not yet translated in english
Anyone know what manga is this
Does anyone have the link to the Spanish manga website where usually have Yaoi mangas with more chapters ??
They are often ahead of us with the translations.
Hi guys im having trouble remebering much about this one since it was ongoing when i was reading this Yaoi
But I just remember that it wese these two hot guys who had a rocky start to begin with but once they started dating they were living together and I think one of the guys is Rich and his dad own a company or something and they go to a company party together and the guy who is not rich feels disconnected by his partner and feels like they come from two different worlds and hes not good enough for him. he tried to also make out with him but he was apparently too tired for indication to him they should break up even though he still loved him he felt the rich guy probably didnt love him back so he tells him he thinks they should break up and the guy seems mad and says Fine, and their both sad and mad and the chapters ends and thst all i remember agh does anyone know the name vased on that recap of that chapter lol
can someone please tell me they know the name of this!!!
Some Guy went to deliver something and then when he enters the room some Guy with piercings greets them and immedietely gets all in his face and just stares at him I think he does tattoos not sure but anyways he just stares at him later revealed because he really liked his face and they fall in love and thats all I remember :(
Does anyone know where I can read this or if it’s out yet ?
It's - Suki da to Iitai dake nano ni
And it looks like it's not our yet (at least on mangago and on other sites)
But here is some manga from the same mangaka -
Thank you so much ! I appreciate your research and response