I’ve been reading that the author plans on continuing the side story characters which I hope so because I love the side story ten times more then the main story I just wonder if we’ll have to wait until next year or will it come this year I just hope we don’t have to wait more then a year for the story to come
Where are people getting that he has a twin brother
I wish the author would have made smut side stories for their first story because I feel those probably would have been a lot better
I hate love Triangles so much but I seen some spoiler online and it looked so good should I risk the re ad
Tj creeps me out out for some reason lol I think it’s funny to see people who love him saying he’s the best choice when Ian through out the whole story expressed that he doesn’t have interest in pursuing relationships with him but tj forces him to and feels like he is in great debt with him and owes him and feels bad cutting ties with him idk how people think that’s healthy
I must really be the only one that didn’t care for Cain and found him boring he was dry and his whole personality was chasing the Mc
I started watching the show Prison Break on Hulu and man the first season is a masterpiece and it reminded me of this so I had come re read it
There’s seems to be a lot of people who like tj and think he’s hot but I just don’t like him I just want him out of the picture as soon as possible I like Joe ten times more
He just never changes I wish he would just quit being his personal trainer already and let him rot by himself
Wow apparently there’s only seven chapters and it’s complete so I don’t think this is going to take Away from pawns revenge
I’m re reading the story and I’m at chapter where the s author says she only wants to do two seasons and her goal is to end the story at seventy chapters and it’s at seventy eight so I’m guessing it’ll end soon probably at eighthy
I’m so over the main couple I just want to see the side couple relationship develop
It’s criminal how short this is I wish there were more chapters