even if u love someone, so so much, u can still find urself doing something that may not be so faithful to ur partner. cheating is either something u do because u dont love ur s/o or u happen to feel a rush of adrenaline of doing something ur not supposed to. i think the reason why i liked this manhwa so much was because ive cheated, and i related, i didnt not love my partner, i loved them a lot. and after i did what i did, i was torn apart over the fact that i let myself do that, because the adrenaline that i had prior to cheating was gone. tom is that. the thrill got to him. but all in all he still REALLY loves jaemin. when u love someone, u work things out. thats why i love this story

Oh yeah I also think that's the point ,, but who can we blame,, most relationships are mostly pivoted on lust than love and I think this manga kinda show something about that in the end but ,,,, I'm not satisfied with the ending
yk i love this manhwa sm but i still wonder why it’s under BL