I feel like Yiyoung deserves more credit. When Doyeon first asked him out Yiyoung was literally going to tell Director Kang right away. Then he finds out the random dude is not just extremely close friends with Director Kang but also a very important business partner.
After that it becomes 10x harder because Yiyoung already told Doyeon that he has a partner thus he isn't interested and Doyeon deadass said that he didn't care. Then not like he can act unfriendly or be rude by ghosting Doyeon. Doyeon is extremely close and important to Kang both in business and personal life. As the boyfriend you don't want to offend someone like that. Especially if Kang doesn't know why you're being rude to his close friend. Then not like he can tell Doyeon that he's with Kang because Kang's not out and even if Doyeon is gay and would assumingly be accepting it's not Yiyoungs place to do that.
So I can totally understand why he is polite to Doyeon. Keep in mind he refuses Doyeon's offer to drive him home and Doyeon DRAGS him into the car. During the drive when he tries to be like oh you're going the wrong way Doyeon is legit like I'm taking you to dinner whether you like it or not because I like you. Like he got kidnapped??? Like Doyeons so wrong for that knowing that especially after knowing Yiyoung is already dating.
Like is Yiyoung perfect? Nah. He should've told Dorector Kang right away. But #1 they were in a fight where Director Kang was totally in the wrong btw. #2 A lot of the time they were working/busy and when they had time Doyeon was there and Yiyoung can't tell Kang in front of Doyeon. Like Director Kang couldn't even work out the fight with Yiyoung for a while because of it. #3 Maybe Yiyoung doesn't want to start a fight with Kang and Doyeon.
I just feel like Yiyoung is extremely young and in his first relationship, and while he didn't do the most optimal thing the fact that he prioritized immediately communicating with Director Kang once he realized how the situation made him uncomfortable is extremely mature. Idk Yiyoung never cheated or even borderline cheated. Cheating is about intention. The whole time while Yiyoung is eating with Doyeon, Yiyoung is already thinking about how it isn't right before Director Kang even calls.
Yiyoung lying is wrong. But he doesn't even wait 5 minutes before realizing wait wtf did I just do in a panic that was so fucked up and wrong before he runs to tell Kang and apologize.
Like Yiyoung is in such a rough position man. He's a 21 year old dating someone way older than him and being pushed around but that guy's friend who is also still much older than him. Like nah he's not perfect but dudes try to be more understand my boys in a rough position and he is genuinely trying his best. He hasn't done anything that bad. Honestly doyeon sucks more imo.