ulthunie created a topic of Misunderstanding

Genuinely trying to like this but it's ch 15 and I'm mad stressed. Like none of the characters are likable whatsoever. The mc is a pushover and the ml is a douche. There's no humor or brightness in this, their relationship is angry, their work life is horrible, like I find myself getting second hand stress. And at least make the misunderstandings make sense? Like the characters make the craziest conclusions??? Can someone who's read please tell me if their relationship gets better at all? I can't continue if it's just more of the same stress vibes.

ulthunie followed a list

All these mangas have situations where seme acts too 
arrogantly, cruel, nasty or misunderstands uke and this leads 
to their ukes leaving,rejecting or hating them. These are yaoi that 
revolves around semes who realises they were 
ASSHOLES, they deal with the CONSEQUENCES…
and their 
#Satisfying stories only

28 01,2025
ulthunie created a topic of Scandalous Wedding

I saw translator mention there's a novel for this does anyone know if there's a translated version they can send a link to? Thank you!

ulthunie created a topic of Dreadful Night

I was letting this marinate and according to the comments I will continue to let this marinate

ulthunie followed a list
ulthunie followed a list

Hewwo and welcome! ₍₍ ( ๑˃◡ ˂๑)◞♡


        BL only!!!

= triggers (do expect violence, too bothersome to put)
        abuse: could be physical, mental, verbal, sexual etc.

= my rating
 (5=absolute fav, 4=very noice, 3=goodie, 2=meh, 1=nah)

= mayb +1 star


         My first list got full therefore had to make this list.
         So, get ready for some more insane semes~

13 11,2024
ulthunie asked a question

Please I crave unrequited love/angst bl manhwa. Vibes like hate mate and hyacinth pls

ulthunie asked a question

Hello I read this before on mrm and don't remember the name. Basically the mc and ml are both detectives in a special unit. Mc has a power where if he is in place where someone dies he will experience the death with them as well. Using these memories he gains he will help solve crime with the ml. It's extremely painful for him to do this btw. Ml is his boss and goes with him to places where mc "dies". Mc has light longer hair and ml has black short hair. I thought it was called stigmata but can't find it for the life of me

ulthunie created a topic of Work Love Balance

I feel like Yiyoung deserves more credit. When Doyeon first asked him out Yiyoung was literally going to tell Director Kang right away. Then he finds out the random dude is not just extremely close friends with Director Kang but also a very important business partner.
After that it becomes 10x harder because Yiyoung already told Doyeon that he has a partner thus he isn't interested and Doyeon deadass said that he didn't care. Then not like he can act unfriendly or be rude by ghosting Doyeon. Doyeon is extremely close and important to Kang both in business and personal life. As the boyfriend you don't want to offend someone like that. Especially if Kang doesn't know why you're being rude to his close friend. Then not like he can tell Doyeon that he's with Kang because Kang's not out and even if Doyeon is gay and would assumingly be accepting it's not Yiyoungs place to do that.
So I can totally understand why he is polite to Doyeon. Keep in mind he refuses Doyeon's offer to drive him home and Doyeon DRAGS him into the car. During the drive when he tries to be like oh you're going the wrong way Doyeon is legit like I'm taking you to dinner whether you like it or not because I like you. Like he got kidnapped??? Like Doyeons so wrong for that knowing that especially after knowing Yiyoung is already dating.
Like is Yiyoung perfect? Nah. He should've told Dorector Kang right away. But #1 they were in a fight where Director Kang was totally in the wrong btw. #2 A lot of the time they were working/busy and when they had time Doyeon was there and Yiyoung can't tell Kang in front of Doyeon. Like Director Kang couldn't even work out the fight with Yiyoung for a while because of it. #3 Maybe Yiyoung doesn't want to start a fight with Kang and Doyeon.
I just feel like Yiyoung is extremely young and in his first relationship, and while he didn't do the most optimal thing the fact that he prioritized immediately communicating with Director Kang once he realized how the situation made him uncomfortable is extremely mature. Idk Yiyoung never cheated or even borderline cheated. Cheating is about intention. The whole time while Yiyoung is eating with Doyeon, Yiyoung is already thinking about how it isn't right before Director Kang even calls.
Yiyoung lying is wrong. But he doesn't even wait 5 minutes before realizing wait wtf did I just do in a panic that was so fucked up and wrong before he runs to tell Kang and apologize.
Like Yiyoung is in such a rough position man. He's a 21 year old dating someone way older than him and being pushed around but that guy's friend who is also still much older than him. Like nah he's not perfect but dudes try to be more understand my boys in a rough position and he is genuinely trying his best. He hasn't done anything that bad. Honestly doyeon sucks more imo.

ulthunie asked a question

Can someone recc bl where its something like he fell first but he fell harder? Something where ml is lowkey a dick until he's like oh shit

ulthunie created a topic of The Hero Returns

They legit got rid of all the detail in the art. I usually don't care about art changes if it's not that bad but they deadass used to color the hair and now it's a big block. I'm actually fucking mad.

ulthunie created a topic of Lover Boy

Genuinely I don't get it. First of all barely anyone acknowledges the trauma that Jaeha went through. Like boy was a freshman being told by his professor that he loved him and got manipulated into having sex at school often even though he was uncomfortable with it. Which ultimately led to someone taking a photo of them having sex, him being outed, getting bullied, and the man he thought loved him leaving him.

Like yeah this man has commitment issues dude who wouldnt after that??? Also so much easier said than done for him to deal with his trauma like who can he talk about this with? His friends? Family? A therapist? Like mental health and being gay are both taboo in korea so this man had nowhere to go. Not even mentioning that his father was abusive.

Is he a perfect character without any flaws? No. He clearly has problems with being loved and trusting others in relationships. He hurts people as a result of his insecurity and guilt. But also he's a human being. He's not meant to be a perfect character. Straight up being honest only reason he ends up being happy is because Eunho is such a persistent bitch who is constantly showering Jaeha with love and showing him that he will never leave regardless of his flaws thus ridding him of the insecurities, trust problems, and commitment issues.

But also I don't get the constant slut shaming. Like he genuinely thought the professor loved him. Then straight up when he first meets Hanjun his first words to him are "I don't date men though". Making their relationship as friends with benefits very clear. If Hanjun still pursues him romantically after that thats his problem not Jaehas ok. Hanuun went into it knowing he was fighting a losing battle and that he was gonna get hurt lets be so real. He was also loyal to Hyeson and truly loved her, author says he's bisexual and truly cared. The reason why they got divorced was not because he was cheating (of which he never did), not even due to the photo. It was because he was too scared to put all his trust into her due to his baggage, and she felt like there was no changing him at that point. That she wasn't a good enough wife if he couldn't trust her. Like Straight up let's be for real this man has 4 bodies only. He's 30 with 4 bodies. Half were deadass relationships: his professor and Hyeson. Only 1 being a full on sex friends situation: Hanjun. And the last 1 being sex friends to committed relationship: Eunho.

Like he's a grown man. Didn't cheat on anyone. I don't fucking get this shit. If you hate him for his baggage and hurting Eunho that's fair like whatever man we can agree to disagree. But the slut shaming is crazy.

ulthunie created a topic of Ways of Parting

Youngwoo is a horrible person. First of all no way they just "happened to kiss somehow". I full on believe that he kissed him while Taejoo was drunk cause he didn't think Taejoo would remember. Then Taejoo is drunk and vulnerable and he took advantage of his confusion (thinking Youngwoo is Yoon) to have sex with him. Like let's be real Youngwoo had dubcon sex or in my person opinion raped Taejoo. Then misleads Taejoo into thinking he is the rapist????

I feel so bad for Taejoo, and I see some people being like "oh he made his choice and he regretted it too late". Like let's be real he was heavily manipulated into that choice. Just imagine thinking you're a rapist and that you need to take care of your victim. He didn't want to let Yoon go, but his guilt towards Youngwoo made him prioritize Youngwoo's wants and needs rightfully so. Now does this make him a perfect person without any blame? Obviously not, but also did he deserve any of this? No.

Taejoo so clearly loved Yoon too. Like when he breaks up with Youngwoo, Youngwoo says they've been together for almost a year. Meaning that Taejoo kept looking for and missing Yoon for more than 4 years straight and the only reason why he had to stop is because he thought he raped Youngwoo. He wasn't like perfect by either obviously asking Youngwoo to stay even though he wanted to go but I mean his fears were proven correct when Yoon got hurt and disappeared for 5 years straight. Like even when they broke up properly the second time Taejoo was just such a good guy. Wholeheartedly believe that if Youngwoo didn't fucking do this shit that Yoon would still be with Taejoo for sure.

Not saying that I don't like Kwon I just feel for Taejoo you know? I feel like he suffered so much, to lose your boyfriend for 5 years and not knowing if they're dead or alive, then thinking you're a disgusting rapist, just to find out your boyfriend isn't actually dead but you still can't be with him, to then find out you were never a rapist but it's already too late to be with your true love. It's just depressing.

Everytime yoojin and sung hyunjae interact I physically have to remind myself that this isn't bl

I let this marinate so that I wouldn't be edged like this and I should've read the comments before I caught up shit

ulthunie created a topic of Killing Stalking

Yoonbum genuinely sucks ass
Now I don't necessarily think he deserved the torture sangwoo put him through
I wouldn't wish it upon him
But also if sangwoo was a normal dude, yoonbum literally stalked the dude, broke into his home, and jerked off in the man's bed without his consent
If that ain't some form of sexual harassment idk what is
Don't even get me started on what he did to that girl in school
Sick of seeing people see yoonbum as a baby who needs to be saved
Like the man's not innocent and honestly he landed himself in this mess
Let's be real if sangwoo wasn't a crazy murderer yoonbum would've become a serial sexual harasser
Like I see most people be like ok Sangwoo had sad backstory and that explains why he's a horrible person who does bad things but that doesn't excuse it
But why can't most people apply the same fucking logic to yoonbum
Ye he got molested by his uncle but that doesn't give him the right to fucking be a shitty dude
They both fucking suck as people but that's why the story is so interesting
I'm just sick of people being like yoonbum is a little baby who need protection

ulthunie created a topic of Hate Mate

I really like subin and jun's relationship. I feel like it's kind of realistically unhealthy if that makes sense. Subin has a lot of problems like low self esteem because of his past with hyunwoo and Jun's age/experience. He never got attention with hyunwoo and acts out with Jun. But you can also tell that he still really admires Jun because he wouldn't have this inferiority complex if he didn't. Jun also (albeit a Saint compared to subin) shows he notices his flaws when he gets hurt by what the girl coworker says on the roof. He realizes that maybe he didn't necessarily provide subin what he wanted in that moment. Instead of listening and empathizing he gave advice (which is fine if you're asking for advice but not if you're just ranting). It shows that there's still emotional immaturity and a lack of communication in the relationship. They care about what the other thinks but because they don't communicate they overthink. They are trying in their own way but its misunderstood as not caring and a sign of falling out of love. I can definitely see that they love each other but they also need to work together to better their relationship. Subin highkey needs therapy after hyunwoo. He also needs to learn how to communicate his wants to jun in a more clear and healthy way (rather than yelling and threatening to break up). Jun needs to reassure subin more and be more attentive. He can also be more expressive and communicate his thoughts more clearly as well. I really like the realistic part about how they deal with fights because they literally live togetger. Even if they're mad they go to sleep in the same bed. They both apologize. They worry about each other at work all day. They think about each other a lot. They know each other's mannerisms exactly. It feels like a natural relationship with ups and downs. Like subins trauma isnt automatically fixed just because he loves jun. They arent automatically great at relationships just because they're in love. It just feels more relatable than a lot of other relationships ive seen in bl or fiction just in general. I really hope this season strengthens their relationship and delves deeper into it. I just want more Jun and less hyunwoo lmaoooo