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Lady P0ny's message board ( All 2 )

Lady P0ny October 28, 2015 3:25 am

actually, someone was asking me about Sugar & Spice, and that is the one that is a side story, not okusan no mousouteki nichijou. Sorry if I caused you to have hope about it ╥﹏╥

redpanda42 October 28, 2015 12:31 am

hi you commented that Okusan no Mousouteki Nichijou has or is a side story can I ask to what as neither manga updates or my anime list have anything about a related title for Okusan no Mousouteki Nichijou

Lady P0ny October 28, 2015 4:29 pm

and it's Spice and Sugary - I'm crazy, don't mind me