Elli11220 created a topic of Caste Heaven

i dont get it, how did the main character go from wanting every one dead and having such a short temper to hugs and kisses and forgiveness? wdym forgiving eno that easily??? wdym eno just started crying in thar dude's arms just like that after all the shit he pulled? no fucking way he went back to how he was previously tat easily. hes still a twisted fuck, no matter the hugs and words of affirmation you can give him. and like, be frl, i was not expecting that happy ending. it feels wrong, like its not in the right book. if anything, a tragic ending where everyone dies and end up depressed, ptsd-ed, and traumatized suits this manga way more.

anyways, tatsumi and senzaki on top. they are the best couple in there, a bit fucked, but they actually loved each other whole heartedly.
9/10, great manga, just trash ending. hated how easily they forgave eno. he deserved way worse.

Elli11220 created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

lmao they are out there ruining themselves and im over here giggling at how pathetically in love they are even though they dont know it

Elli11220 created a topic of Seeing Double

idk, ig ohn ends up with seo-woo based on the comments, but honestly? he’s so annoying. i’m barely half way through and his pick me attitude is getting so much on my nerves. He also had everything, yet he still wants more, like jae woo barely had less attention from their parents growing up but he didn’t grow up to be such a brat. his brother and ohn are talking, and this mf be so jealous over nothing at all (i have so much hatred towards a character goddamn) and like he’s so delusional and annoying i dislike him so much. anyways

Elli11220 created a topic of Jinx

man's more delulu than the entire kpop community combined, wdym youre so in love just because he said "he's one of my people"??? get over it dan (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

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Elli11220 add 1 photos to LMAOOO
Elli11220 add 1 photos to LMAOOO

something about this just cracks me up why is seme built like that

Elli11220 add 1 photos to LMAOOO