I know that this is an unpopular opinion but I didn't feel like I was reading a yaoi or shounen ai. It was just like a shoujo manga. Even the uke's attire, mannerisms and personality were way too feminised. I don't have anything against feminine guys but it felt way too.... I don't know how to say it. It's like they just took away boobs from a shoujo manga. Nevertheless it's still cute though.
She's such a bitch. How the fuck she can sprout such bitchiness about someone who genuinely tried to help her is out of my thinking capacity. It's confirmed that her brain is wired in a bitch circuit.
Fuck! Even grade schoolers have more common sense than you. How blind does her dad have to be to think he's reliable? Any person who has a job is reliable? I wish he would get hit by a truck and die. Forcing a woman like this is so disgusting.
The father should just rot in jail. Don't try to reconcile with that waste of space. Why are you being such a pushover? Sometimes I wonder if it's cultural difference or if it's just the mangas that like pushover protagonists so much.
Are they not gonna talk about the polygamy thing? I don't think makoto is okay with it. It would be cruel to continue if can't get himself to accept it. They should talk about it.
I know that this is an unpopular opinion but I didn't feel like I was reading a yaoi or shounen ai. It was just like a shoujo manga. Even the uke's attire, mannerisms and personality were way too feminised. I don't have anything against feminine guys but it felt way too.... I don't know how to say it. It's like they just took away boobs from a shoujo manga. Nevertheless it's still cute though.