Fucking Eclise
While i feel for Eclise and all i still hate him for betraying Penelope after all she did for him. Like seriously Penelope is the one who saved him, Penelope is the one who gave his life meaning, Penelope stayed with him from the start not Yvonne. I admit i am partial to Penelope but the point still stands that what he pulled was a jerk move

If he served five years in the us and 3 in korea he spent 8 years total activly in the military his girlfriend lived in america so hes known her for five years unless he took a vacation from the military around a year before i doubt the baby is his. Especially since he says when he finally got home there was a baby waiting so it implys he hadnt been home for a while.
In chapter 66 hes watching the I AM mv right???
I went back and yeah it's I am. I'm so happy I love Ive so much.