UsagixMamo-chan July 18, 2019 5:14 pm

Their little zoomies got my heart clenching and such

UsagixMamo-chan July 13, 2019 4:05 pm

That’s a way to get them to live together

UsagixMamo-chan July 13, 2019 7:27 am

Don’t like that nasty trap. They can go sincerely back to what nasty butt crack they slithered out of and leave my poor ship alone. They have enough to deal with without outside interference of some inbreed two faced sexist MotherF-er.

UsagixMamo-chan July 10, 2019 2:30 pm

Pretty sure he has it because of what he is saying or it fell off in the bed during their spontaneous love making

UsagixMamo-chan June 30, 2019 4:43 am

I love how the author squashed all the haters from the last update and handle the situation maturely and in a very classy manner. He even says that they have issues they need to work out before they get together. Till this issues are sorted they wouldn’t be happy even if they had got together in previous chapters

UsagixMamo-chan June 19, 2019 6:29 pm

I really think all the comments complaining about her are really pathetic It’s a story calm down and enjoy it . The genre is drama COME ON. Drama romances are literally based on confusion, misunderstandings, and misdirection. Some typical and excepted tropes authors use is a person with either with good

    UsagixMamo-chan June 19, 2019 6:35 pm

    (Stupid things posted before I was done) continuing: popular tropes are a friend/family member with misguided intentions inadvertently causing misunderstanding or a bad person purposely. We know they get together but for now we get to enjoy the drama of them getting together. The author knows what they want to happen and this is apart of it. Hopefully Lihuan gets to better understand Yuyang and Yuyang can deal with his fears that way they both can go into this relationship with a better understanding of each other and someone (Yuyang) won’t be sitting their waiting for Lihuan to leave him for a girl. Which is what would happen if they got together now. They aren’t ready yet and so her “meddling” is actually helpful in my opinion.

    I’d rather avoid the whole “Let’s breakup bc you’ll be happier with a a wife and children” trope.

UsagixMamo-chan June 19, 2019 5:56 pm

Okay but Oh Kamin can draw 1000 times better than I can

UsagixMamo-chan June 15, 2019 5:28 am

I think Hakdo really does like Sangho. My prediction or what I think the climax will probably involve Hakdo picking Doochi over Sangho in some dramatic situations. Then Hakdo will realize he no longer likes Doochi romantically and is now completely head over heels for Sangho (my other theory is Doochi will get engaged and Hakdo will be forced to assess his feeling and [again] realize Sangho is his soulmate ) I have a few theories .....

    immissnut June 15, 2019 8:26 pm

    Yeah, I like your first theory and I think something like this could happen to clarify what Hakdo actually feels - even knowing that Hakdo likes Sangho for real.

UsagixMamo-chan May 28, 2019 7:38 pm

Not one but two mysterious boys to ruffle up some feathers ehhh??

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