Bro if i had to choose between them, I just cant. Taegun's the type to accidentally rizz you up just by looking at you oml his outfit is making me giggle my toes oml the ML i dont rmb your name, you so lucky you have this handsome cutie to be your bf (︶︿︶)=凸 I live love laugh the ML too he a hottie, he big in every aspect aaaaaaa
Bro if i had to choose between them, I just cant. Taegun's the type to accidentally rizz you up just by looking at you oml his outfit is making me giggle my toes oml the ML i dont rmb your name, you so lucky you have this handsome cutie to be your bf (︶︿︶)=凸 I live love laugh the ML too he a hottie, he big in every aspect aaaaaaa
sorry if I combined different sentences tgt, too lazy to put a full stop.