ren ☆'s experience ( All 12 )

ren ☆
31 07,2024
3 more weeks until school starts…gonna have to see the shitty staff. Let’s pray my mental health doesn’t take a toll on me and make me want to immediately kill myself. I COULD avoid them but then again they’ll threaten to suspend me for being “aggressive and noncooperative”… Senior year is gonna be my last straw for sure   4 reply
31 07,2024
ren ☆
02 07,2024
Me when I come on here once a blue moon to yap   1 reply
02 07,2024
ren ☆
02 07,2024
I am making NASTY tapioca pearls and NASTY milk tea for customers who get on MY LAST NERVE. Why be racist to Asians when you’re in an ASIAN OWNED STORE? I am so close to losing my job because of this Asian regular who doesn’t believe she’s Asian. “You have small eyes” SO DO YOU? Oh my god you’re literally CHINESE? When people think of A......   5 reply
02 07,2024
ren ☆
20 05,2024
This isn't funny my counselor scares me but all of my friends say he's hot and compare him to John Krasinski, My fear of white people is being invalidated right now   9 reply
20 05,2024
about birthday
ren ☆
09 04,2024
Officially legal   6 reply
09 04,2024

ren ☆'s answer ( All 21 )

about question
I’m sticking with my slipknot hoodies   1 reply
29 days
about cosplay
Asians can’t catch a break I had a similar experience and I had this Korean friend who was 165.10 cm (5’5ft) and there was this really obsessive girl who would come up to me to ask me EVERYDAY are me and him together or would say who’s the “UKE/SEME” and he heard it every time And one day he got so mad he just slapped tf out of her low......   1 reply
30 07,2024
Y’all are COOKED. Not ME. I’m only here to complete my studies in high school. Stay safe.   reply
02 07,2024
ren ☆
20 04,2024
I know y'all aren't going to read all that but please, I just need a reason on why I should keep living. Edit: My older sister called them, pretending to be my mum (since mum doesn't speak English & she approved of it), They told her they would call her back, but lied and called my mum instead. My dad snatched the phone from her and just repeated ......   2 reply
20 04,2024
about question
It's not that deep. Maybe the person was tryna do them a favor you asked 4 something weird u gon get a weird response   reply
13 04,2024

ren ☆'s question ( All 1 )

ren ☆
20 04,2024
I hate America, they're so racist.
I got suspended from school because of "profanity" and "tardies". Wtf does that even mean. I had asked the teacher if I could go n get my jacket from another student and he told me 'take the hall pass and go'. When I had went to get it, the teacher shut the door in my face, so I thought she didn't see me so I knocked again. This time, another student opened it and I held the door so I could ask her, keep in mind that I didn't step a foot into the classroom. teacher was like holding the door yanking it from me so I got the hint she didn't want me there so I was going to leave. Some kid yells out "get out terrorist" and I told him to shut the fuck up, and he gets quiet BUT security heard me say that and dragged me down to the office. Since I am a Muslim I sometimes wear a keffiyeh on my head or I carry tisbah. Sometimes I'll carry the Quran. And that's how the kid knows. Ever since I moved to America, this kid has been saying racist/Islamophobic things towards me, and has gotten away with a little slap on the wrist, or sometimes, nothing at all. And all times I have said something back because I don't stand for ANY type of discrimination. Also because my ego is too strong and I HAVE to respond or It'll seem like I'm getting bullied. I have almost fought this kid TWICE because of things he said while I was fasting/while it was Ramadan. And I always get into trouble for it. I'm a wreck in the office because I have been so stressed lately that I have no choice but to cry. I have told my counselor, but he ignored me. I am about to be a senior, I can't get suspended. I cannot trust any adults at school. They treat me like a minority and don't acknowledge that I am human too. She had the audacity to ask why I am crying and was kind of sneering at me like I had no reason to cry. I'm so pissed off at her that I'm swearing to her (not at her.) and the security guards just look at me. She kicks me out of the office then calls me back in, telling me that I lied about getting the pass from the teacher and how I actually just snuck out of class. The same teacher who PHYSICALLY WROTE ME A NOTE was now changing his story because he didn't want to get in "trouble". All, and I mean ALL of the fucking students HEARD AND SAW HIM write a fucking note and tell me to go.

Now I am suspended for 2 days because of something not MY fault but another students fault. I CANNOT be suspended, and I don't know what to do. I'm physically and mentally drained, I'm not seen as a normal person here and it's tiring. He's gotten off the hook multiple time w/ just "lunch detention" (but all of his friends are in there too so idefk what they thought they were doing.) It is not just Muslim females getting targeting like this, but any Muslim who doesn't fir the category of "regular human". It's not fair.
20 04,2024

People are doing

did how are u guys doing in school

got a 25% on my first physics exam 0-0 at least with corrections i can get up to a B!

4 hours
want to do my first boyfriend

ive had 2 girlfriends but never a boyfriend and i rlly want one bc ive never had one

4 hours
did how are u guys doing in school


6 hours