The author said fuck pacing and plot.
Also, the solution was to create a vaccine to cure hybrid people??? Were all hybrids in the world experiments??? Was it the result of an infection? That's not really explained, because if hybrid people just naturally exist in the world as a separate species then WTF at the vaccine.
1. I really hope there wasn't a drug in the chocolate
( ̄∇ ̄") y can't it ever just be two non-drunk/or drugged adults having sex? And their relationship was developing so nicely, they were so into each other too, so y?
2. WHO the hell would turn a man down just because he gushes about his kid??? If u aren't ready/don't want kids in your relationship, then that's fine. But to be turned off by how proud he is of his kid? What type of shallow shit is that? If anything that should tell u how great of a guy he his by how dedicated he is to his family. Like damn, some parents straight up abandon their kids just so they can snag a hot date
Glad the sister seems happy. Uke needs to stop being a simp, you can do way better, hon.
the seme is trying to better him self have some faith.
More like the uke is an idiot. Like 4 years?! Cmon man..