I keep coming back to check and see if this got updated, cause that was one nasty cliffhanger
I missread the title as "The intellectual gay" when I clicked on it, but to be fair, it's not wrong either
This is getting a new series this march!!!
I can't wait!!!
I'm gonna be honest, I want him to end up with both of them.
Why does the millennial dude talk like he's 50
Next thing he's gonna be calling the other guy "Whippersnapper"
This is still ongoing right?
Like there is going to be a volume 2 right?
Not the fire nation!!!
Where is the Avatar when you need him.
This manhuwa is like the "that's not what your mom said last night" joke, but turned into a series, and i love it.
Why is everyone going "Oh my gosh, MC is cheating on his husband, I hate him"? He's not even cheating, he's literally being brainwashed, coerced, and held captive.
The brother literally has the MC in a hypnotic daze all the time as if he is under a spell or drugged, where he's not even remembering anything from one second to the next to try to trick him into sexual acts with him, and get him to marry him.
He literally forgot why he was there, what he did in the human world, that he had a brother, that he had a husband, that he was in college, ect, but started to remembered when he stepped away from the brother, but then forgot it all again when the brother caught up to him. He didn't even remember why he decided to go on a walk a couple minutes ago or where he was as soon as the brother showed up.
He won't even let him get too far away from him if he leaves, because he essentially is keeping him timid and subdued so that he can hold him captive.
This is literally the exact plot of iron virgin Jun, but it's with a dude instead of a girl.
So many people in the comments are complaining that the Uke isn't the best or smartest person in the world, in a manga that is literally called "Trash Omega". The title told you beforehand what you were in for.
I have a feeling the new teacher is just the MC's brother or something, and this is just a misunderstanding. I mean they sort of look alike, and the teacher did thank the MC for helping him to be able to get that job.
After reading ahead, I just find it funny now how the author is just trying to trick us into thinking the brother is actually sus by having him smile maniacally every few panels
So brown haired dude is going to rape green haired guy too now...
And the main character's creepy brother probably put a tracker on his phone...
The main character and green haired guy need to run away, just move somewhere all at once and tell no one.
I like how Megu's reaction was bassically
Megu: Wow, that really WAS dumb, well heading I'm out yall, night.