erika answered question about toxic parents
Meanest are: [DELETED], Kickassalien and Widowswail The normal is ofc me only me of all of yall Funniest are: Pilot, Widowswail,[DELETED], Kickassalien and Alex. Ngl saki is kinda funny Who would i want to fw is : DELETED, Widowswail, Kickassalien and Pilot
erika shared experience about stuck my cock in a blender
i really hate hate booktok like explain how this looks good???
erika answered question about toxic parents
the way i started the conspiracy
erika answered question about question
erika answered question about question
erika answered question about question
no way thats normal lmaoo it so so long like anaconda
erika answered question about question
Well i never ever said cringey or susiest thing but one of users i do talk with says the susiest? things ever
erika answered question about question
Thank god i aint in school literally would kill myself if i ever need to do this again
erika answered question about question
erika answered question about question
erika answered question about valentines day
looked at ur pfp ngl i can see why you are so desperate
erika answered question about valentines day
if its in my comment section i just delete it
erika answered question about valentines day
erika answered question about valentines day
what type sex yall have been having
erika answered question about valentines day
erika answered question about question
Bro same i cant speak with males. I just hate it like i actually like HATE any interactions with them Literally i tolerate my male friend thats it only one male i can tolerate in real life
erika answered question about watch anime
i used to think yall were bots by placed gov to track me down before taking meds
erika answered question about dogs
Are u fucking insane? Literally its not the dogs fault its the owners fault