When I started reading this I remember commenting something like: I don't know who's more annoying, Yuri for being such a toxic prick, or Jiri for putting up with his antics.
I thought about what this meant for the story. Is it a sign that it's consistent, maybe even realistic considering change can take a long time? But no, I find myself more frustrated with the story than ever before. Yuri has gradually become completely insufferable, and Jiri just lays down and takes it - literally. This indicates that none of them has grown in the way that matters most to the story, and while I absolutely understand that this understanding is what the story builds up to deliver on as a sort of climax, the road there is becoming increasingly unsatisfying and irritating to go through.
I respect the author's focus on mental state and coordinating through the complexities of a relationship etc. but the topics alone aren't enough, it still needs to be an enjoyable read, and this is quickly turning into a sour one.