I think it was “you look like a woman”, and sometimes people don’t want to be told they look like the opposite gender they identify as. ( ̄∇ ̄")
Idk if it’s sexism as much as it’s “knowing exactly what to say to piss you off”
Bro just doesn’t want to look like a woman, so it was used as a means to insult him
Again you try to explain the obvious.
He said it because the guy was complaining, as if complaining is what women do. That he has long hair and dark lips might have further inclined him because of his likeness with popularised and typical feminine traits. But the "insult" was still a response to his complaining, which makes it a sexist remark.
"Cute"??? Seonwoo, you're not right in the head.
I'm with Yohan, my face is full of disgust as soon as Yuri opens his mouth. I keep waiting for someone to shut him up, and I just don't get it, it's spiralled way out of hand already, how much more of this is Seonwoo going to put up with?
Believe me, another 10 chapters and it'd still be like this, I even gave up on the raws long ago. The smut in the raws doesn't even helping one bit because it's so damn repetitive pattern atp and just solidifies more that this toxic relationship is being romanticized by the author. Seonwoo is practically an M.
Toxic relationships can be interesting to explore, but this story has already dealt with all its appealing complexities, and now it's trying to milk the last out of what little unresolved complication there is left, namely Yuri behaving like a child.
I don't understand how the author can think that further smut is supposed to be appealing to us. Yuri's behaviour is so off-putting that it sours every part of the story where he's actively in it, or talked and thought about - which is 95% of the time.
There simply isn't enough other appeal for this to work,
When I started reading this I remember commenting something like: I don't know who's more annoying, Yuri for being such a toxic prick, or Jiri for putting up with his antics.
I thought about what this meant for the story. Is it a sign that it's consistent, maybe even realistic considering change can take a long time? But no, I find myself more frustrated with the story than ever before. Yuri has gradually become completely insufferable, and Jiri just lays down and takes it - literally. This indicates that none of them has grown in the way that matters most to the story, and while I absolutely understand that this understanding is what the story builds up to deliver on as a sort of climax, the road there is becoming increasingly unsatisfying and irritating to go through.
I respect the author's focus on mental state and coordinating through the complexities of a relationship etc. but the topics alone aren't enough, it still needs to be an enjoyable read, and this is quickly turning into a sour one.
This used to be about a complex relationship forming in the form of a decent story. Now it is Yuri being batshit toxic and insane for no goddamn reason.
The problem isn't that it's unrealistic or something such, but it's definitely a change of theme, or should I say hyperfocus, for the story, and it's not much of an enjoyable read anymore.
A toxic relationship can be interesting to explore - this, however, is tedious.
I don't know man, is fanservice something you outgrow? I've never been a fan of sexualised rape scenes, so the mature version extra was seriously just a bore to read. But Set becoming tiny? YES. That is just so much better.
Guess I'll just support the author by buying the non-mature version of the story instead xD
Wow, as handsome as this comic is, I'm really not a fan of the overglorification of rich lifestyles in it. I feel like the author actually wants to convey the sentiment that your background doesn't matter, and that love trumps class differences. But instead it becomes a dynamic where Mo's poor background constantly serves to put him him in circumstances which only He Tian's wealth can fix. At least in a future setting such as this, shouldn't it venture to be more ideal? He Tian doesn't need to be "sold" to us, anymore, he's already generally well liked.
Don't get your hopes up to much. A lot of Chinese stories are just like that. Heck, a lot of Asian stories are like that. I'm Asian and local shows in my country have similar plots with your description. I just learned to enjoy what I can ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
I know that it's unfortunately very common in Asia, especially China and South Korea. Wealth, and the standard ways to show it off with nice cars, clothes and apartments, is very internalised to what amounts to prestige and success... It's very shallow and very unfortunate.
For some, I do understand why they want to be rich. The rich I have a problem with are those that are being insensitive and are unnecessarily bragging about it. Being so out of touch is another. I guess there could even be a difference between those who became rich and those who were always rich. I've personally encountered both types.