1152 photo
23 11,2022 created

374 photo
10 12,2022 created

Demonstrations of love of any kind. Platonic/Romantic/Familial…etc.
1214 photo
23 11,2022 created

181 photo
23 11,2022 created

Pretty much every single time a character is willing to do anything and is incredibly attached to another character. Can be for romance/platonic/familial…etc. Lots of moments here have “puppy-like” characters.
1222 photo
23 11,2022 created

476 photo
23 11,2022 created

497 photo
23 11,2022 created

591 photo
23 11,2022 created

327 photo
23 11,2022 created

129 photo
23 11,2022 created

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