I was annoyed with someone similar to Araki. Not like him with his starving sex drive but the annoying because she 'accidentally' told our schoolmates about a couple's problematic love life. In the first place it is not her business to be an announcer about their problems. 2nd, she creates more drama by making up her own versions and add a few 3rd parties. 3rd, she tries to tell it that the female is playing the guys to make sure there will be a love triangle. 4th, she is not close to them. She just knows them only for few months and consider them an acquiantance only. 5th, she is using them as a diversion to get away from being caught as a effing thief.

I kind of understand his situation. I noticed recently that I'm sensitive to smell. I still think of normal things that stink but I find almost all of perfumes or colognes either make me sneeze or want to vomit especially those people who thinks putting a ton of perfumes/colognes is okay. I think they don't smell the scent anymore and this cause a lot of problems for other people because the scent is too strong. And worse is that the scent doesn't disappear even hours after the person leaves the room. T_T
can't stop laughing. see. the emperor knows who is the mastermind for this headache. hahaha