Hwasu survives and is picked up by a rich family or someone close? Not sure. But he’s reunited with Li, they confess to each other like they should’ve about sixty chapters ago, Jin comes back to say bye to the finest boypussy he’s ever had, and despite not having a belly, Hwasu delivers a healthy baby. He nearly dies but Li does some Alpha magic and wakes his baby mama up, they smile, and the baby is, hopefully, gonna appear in a side story cause we don’t see the three of them together. And I’ll be honest, through this entire series, I just wanted Li’s butler to get fucked raw. The end.

Yahwi is obviously endgame. Cain is just gonna have to go home and get help for his weird ‘imma dog’ kink.

And notice how before the author went on hiatus, the last chapter was jooin and cain having sex. So who's fandom went mad?? Ofc it's yawhi's side. The author went on hiatus bcs they weren't js hating on cain and jooin, they're hating directly on the AUTHOR not on yahwi lmfao why would the author even go hiatus js bcs ppl hated on yahwi when his character was literally made to be disliked or be called a jerk

girl ur not understanding what im saying.. y’all cain stans were sending so much hate to yahwi and the author is obviously gonna feel hurt bc they made him.. like alot of the things people were saying was so disrespectful. like even if u look in the comments rn u will see tons of hate mostly from cain fans. end of discussion

YOU ARE not getting my point omg why would the author even be hurt when the character they made is supposed TO BE HATABLE BCS THE CHARACTER THEY WROTE IS SUPPOSEDLY A JERK im just clarifying it to you that the author did not go on a hiatus just bcs their character got hated lmfao. Did u even look at the pics that i sent you??? Its THE HATE TOWARDS THEM BY BOTH OF THE FANDOM THAT MADE THEM GO ON HIATUS not on the character that they purposely wrote to be a hatable one

Its like you're saying that ppl should compliment yahwi for being abusive towards jooin js so the author would be happy lmfao its called FEEDBACK you're only looking atvthe mangago comment section, literally try looking at facebook, twitter and instagram you'll see tons of yahwi stans hating on mostly jooin
Nahhhh, bruh. Everyone needs to stop gaslighting that man into forgiving that cockcheese. Like, whether or not cockcheese had a change of heart or was crying like a little baby bitch—he lied and Jitae doesn’t have to forgive shit. And no, cockcheese sister doesn’t get a pass either, she was a jealous cunt and those tears smell a little crocodile. And fuck this nosy femcockcheese too. Mind your own business, you crusty hoe.