like. at all? do they even get diplomas or anything from this? is there an actual curriculum besides hanging out and fighting off other gangs? I have some CONCERNS for these kid's educations PLEASE get a responsible adult in here oh my god.
i don't have the source anymore but i'm sure you can find it somewhere, it might have been in an q&a or omake or something but the mangaka basically said readers can assume all the scenes at school are before or after class or during breaks, and that there is actually class happening it's just never depicted bc it's uninteresting lol
There have been TONS of demons that Iruma's talked to who have compared him to the previous demon king and found similarities to traits they liked, but I think this is the first time someone has been interested in Iruma for his *differences*.
I think I like Mephisto just for that!
It's always refreshing when someone looks at a character and sees them for who they are, not who they're constantly being compared to.
Iruma does have a lot of similarities to the previous king, but he is also a fundamentally different person who is (more likely than not) going to rule over a very different underworld than the one Delkira has created.
I'm really glad he could see that!
At least, it is on the cheating fiancee front. Usually these stories make it so the cheater is also an abusive or negligent ass that's only engaged because he was forced to be, but this guy does seem to be putting in the bare minimum into the relationship.
Sure, he tells one of the girls he's seeing that he was "forced" into it, but even the MC knows he's lying about that, since he's perfectly happy to see her when she's alone, he just doesn't want all the other girls he's cheating on her with to see that he's trying to keep up the engagement with the MC.
He's 100% still a dick, but the kind that makes it clear the MC fell for him because of his actual personality instead of just a 5 second meeting or his pretty face like with a lot of other series.
All his relatives except his brother are a bunch of dicks. If you aren't going to actually take care of the child then DON'T TAKE THEM IN! I don't care how much guilt you feel about your sister dying! If you actually cared about them, you wouldn't neglect their fucking child! At the very least, don't take it out on the kid! Kids can't do shit about their situation, so whatever issues you have are 100% caused by YOU!
I have a feeling that there more to the story. Like the aunt hates him for no reason and she got rid of all his parents pictures. I have a feeling aunt was in love with his dad pr something or just jealous of her sister in general.
I just hope it isnt a stupid cope-out like he looks like his mom or some shit.
Could be. Which is why I said I dont want that to happen. There should be a punishment for child abuse/negligence. Mental Illness/Depression doesnt isnt an excuae to act like trash Considering she was raising her own child just fine. She had no reason to take him in if she was just gonna treat him like crap and she should be answerable for her actions.
It's a sibling spat!!!! Iruma & opera are SIBLINGS in this au!!!!! They sure bicker like ones, too.