And offering it to him 1st thing in the morning, knowing damn well man prlly thirsty af. Man, the bottom is better than me cuz if I found out my situationship only fcking me cuz he was in love with me in a past life, I would've processed it half asleep, shot tf up in the middle of the night, cussed that man tf out, and taken my ass home. You outta yo damn mind if u think that bs explanation would slide. He would not have caught me slacking in the morning talking bout some "Have some water". And end up knocked out on the floor? PFFFT boi please, I would have been safely home, waking up in my own bed. Bottom should have rightfully gotten angry and got his ass outta there ASAP.

Ain't no way homeboi heard that small bit of a convo and decided he was gonna get revenge. Like for what? Yo ass getting protected? I'm hoping there's a bigger more easy to digest reason for y he's doing what he's doing once we hear the whole thing nxt chap (which still wouldn't excuse it but would at least help us understand things from his perspective and not make him look like a complete dumbfuck)

When's the next season gonna drop? Anybody know?

No one knows, the Authør havent said yet since they are currently on a break while working on taking lēgäl actions towards ï||ēgä| wēbsites and they also expressed that they are loosing motivation to work on this Comic. You can check their twįttēr to keep a watch and know when she says when or if this will come back for season 2.
Not only is Kim Dan a spineless pathetic whelp he also ain't the sweet pea he tries to be cuz why tf r u working after binge drinking the night before? Like as a medical professional the last 2 chps hurt so bad especially when the old man fell because Dan too busy in his own misery to properly care for anyone else. Like no matter wtf is happening in r lives we can't fall apart and go on fcking nightly drinking binges and then go to work the next morning. You, your grandma, and Jaekyung are not the only people in the world. Get ur head outta ur ass and take a week off idgaf and get ourself rt and stop thinking about that piece of shih bro.
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