Someone Somewhere asked a question

Can I get recomendations for romance manga/novels where the main character does not realize that someone has fallen for them or actively turns down whoever is interested in them?

Someone Somewhere asked a question

Can i get recomendations for stories like "Kusuriya no Hitorigoto"? Either manga or novels, I love both lol
So something set in anchient china or japan, with a crafty smart female lead and some romance elements (=・ω・=)

Not me googling how big frogs are
⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄


  • Author: Paraiso,Harada
  • Genres: Doujinshi / Yaoi

Gang rape, rape, stuck in a wall, spanking

As a very petite adult with a tiny chest, it feels so nice to read some smut with my body type in it, when normally all the stories I find are some big titty ladies that make me jelly #-.-)
Literally, sometimes it feels like the only manga with these types of bodies are the loli bait ones that border on pedophilia. So nice to have an actual adult like this in smut

Someone Somewhere created a topic of Waterside Night

So many people are throwing shit at the dad, but i really think he deserves some sympathy. Yes, lraving a newbotn behind in that abusive house wad unforgivable, but after getting abused for months and months he most likely lost any sort of support system he had and did not know what else to do.
Years later he came back, reqlized he fucked up, noticed the situation his child was in and understood that he could give him a better life. From an outsiders POV, our mc and his little bro were definitely not living a good life. Theyre livijg on the bad side of town, in huge debt, surrounded by gangsters and mc is basically prostitution himself. What person would see that as a good enviorment for a young child to grow up in?
We as readers do have an insiders view and can see how things are actually going, and even then we can see how this is not a healthy situation for our mc or the little bro. There was the fire insident bacm when MC was working all the time, and more revently our MC loosing his mind because of anxiety over selling himself (the whole "am i too loose?" thing) Sure MC still does whatever he can for his little brother, but he is not in a good mential place, nor cabaple of fully proviting a good life for his little brother.
Still both MC and the father fucked up with how they did the transision. Shoildve done it in a way where MC was more there for the little brother, and maybe done weekday weekend swaps so little brother had more time to adjust, instead of just dumping the child on the fathe without explaining anything clearly. Take a few weeks to just have meeting with the father, then slowly transision to having the child live with him.

Sure hope it wont end up that the father is an abusive person in the end too, for now he seems to be a caring person who has done a lot of mistakes in his past. Sprry for any spelling mistakes, cant use autocorrect in incognito mode lol

Someone Somewhere created a topic of Cry Me a River

Feels like the pp sizes in these stories just keep getting bigger every year... wont take long for us to reach elephant size

Someone Somewhere asked a question

Can someone recommend me something similar to Jinx plz ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Someone Somewhere asked a question

Can I get recommendations for stories similar to "Superstar From Age 0"?
Basically stories where the protagonist is an actual baby/child in modern times and we read as they grow up. Please no historical/fantasy stories (ive ready wayy too many of those already lol)