CJ02 October 31, 2024 6:00 am

If i could warn myself from 3 days ago that i was about to read the most boring paper thin obnoxious story ever i would because i had to force myseld to end this.
the bottom is spineless and honestly doesnt look like he likes the top until the very end (hes straight up terrified EVEN THEN) and i have absolutely NO WORDS on how much i wanted to smash the tops neck. How dare he say hes possessive of the bottom and not take care of him? how he didnt finish the cousin? how he didnt finish the other dude? he only threatened to end bottom again and again.
so ,no feelings, not even sexual tension that looks good enough between them seems genuine
is just a pile of rubbish
the only joy in this story is the tops minions. theyre fun

CJ02 August 25, 2024 10:16 am

I have been enduring ML's self sabotage and straight up stupid antics during the whole story (you go and meet evil ex all by yourself not only once but twice? you actually meet him still? the one who did ALL THAT TO YOU??? you refuse to clean your house and LET some asshole spy for said evil ex and do nothing? you DARE to think your husband - who you know doesnt care much about the one who sired him - would give a damn about being related to evil ex???? and you still call yourself a ganster???? honestly, how is he still running his business????)
i like his design and i WISH he was as confident and smart as he looks, but personality-wise he's really mess of a character and im sorry mr perfect alpha has to deal with that

CJ02 May 28, 2024 2:14 am

thats fiction, chill. Is hoestly very worrisome to see so many people thinking that because you see something in fiction that means its allowed irl. dont yall brains have no cognitive functions whatsoever be honest

CJ02 June 13, 2021 3:51 am

Honestly, is understandable how some of you might feel bad for the jordins and shit, but Cedric is a duke, the girl had committed treason, if he did nothing abt it hed be seen as weak. it was the least he could have done, and honestly it was quite merciful to have someone to the family kill her - so they could do it quick and painlessly, but it would also remind them of what is at stake (their loved ones) so they could never ever do such a thing again

About striping the jordin from their titles, again he's right. by killing one of their own, he made them his enemies. for the jordins to still have such a high position would have allowed them the power to turn on him and avenge their death (even if she was in the wrong, you know how it is) and the overall message was that doesnt matter what one person of your family does, thered be no consequence to the whole . ppl would again see cedric as weak and would not think twice abt their actions (and their loved one's aw)

cedric is a ruler. a kind one, but still, and he must act as such to prevent his domain to suffer. imo he should have killed them all to prove his point - all but the girl who kiilled her sister, she could go on probation but shall never again rise as high. (also what if the emperor finds out abt that shit? he needs to have punishment delivered otherwise the emperor might think hes on board w treason too and kill him off like his parents)

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