Kisses x Kiss x Kisses
really, I fucking love this. It is such a fun read and also kinda funny at times.
Only thing that bothers me is….
Hello Again (Cho Bom)
feels too quick. if it were longer it would be better. also why did a 14yo kid like an 11yo? it feels kinda wrong, when he graduated he was 18 and 15. hmmm i don’t think that’s right…. other than that, it’s a perfect nice read. it’s very cute how he gets jealous and i just LOVEEE THA AAARRTTTTt,,, also if you haven’t read The Third Ending, it’s the authors other work that’s EVEN BETTER and way more detailed. okay now thats about all i have to say !
The Spooky Love Tale of Gongchan Seol
this was actually vry cute i love it sm. the fact he’s not interested in a lot of people, but fell inlove with gongcha immediately is so pUAGHSJY i wish. lowk felt bad for tae in but that’s what he gets for being a little too cocky.. “people like us” NAH NAHH
Stalker's Game
ok well.. that was a roller coaster.. it felt like the author didn’t really know where the story was going either.
“pity is a really dangerous thing” LITERALLY cause i started to feel bad for the stalker even after he rped hyunsung the stalker was kinda an idiot. like he could’ve approached smoothly and nicely but he decided to head on invade hyunsungs space. Not an ok guy mentally (obviously..). With hyungsun, it seems he has stolkhokderm syndrom? (if that’s what it’s called.) I feel a little bad, but like mentioned in the story he just goes a long with things without fighting back so it’s to be expected. And we never learned the stalkers name? :)
Who Can Define Popularity?
WHAT THE THIS IS SO GOOD!!! Literally started reading this at like 12am.. it’s 8pm now. HAHAHA I WISH IT DIDNT ENDDD I REALLY WANTED TO SEE BOWOO (or whatever his name was) WITH HOONIIEEEE AAAHHH I FUCKN LOVE HOONIE THE WAY HE EXPOSED THAT BITCH Top tier story i haven’t found one that i liked a lot in a while. I love how it shows a healthy relationship too, and how the taller one is the shy one for once lmaooo wow i wish there was more episodes :((((((( seriously read this.. and no.. there’s no smut you singe fuck