were you not aware that this has always been incest? from start to end, mai was never disgusted by her brother, nor by his actions. if anything, she held very positive emotions towards him. as for her brother, we know that he felt *very* positively about his sister. why are you all acting like this is new information? what, you thought she would just magically 180 and reveal that she hated him all along? it's obvious, even from the get-go, that she didn't. you read this and ignored it until now, so why are you upset over it?
if you don't like something, don't read it. it's that simple.
don't read it and THEN post about how fucked up or whatever you think, especially considering how this manga was clearly meant to be this type of content. people don't read horror and then go "wow, this person is so fucked up in the head!! you're all so messed up for reading it!!" when the genre is *horror* and is *expected* for the genre.
this is adapted. this *IS* a novel. and the novel has been finished for quite a while now. so it's not like this ending was even unknown, or really much of a surprise. if you felt like the content was weird, you should have dropped it. and if you read this, somehow didn't realize mai did in fact, like her brother back, and commented about how you hated it, then sucks to suck. i'm not saying you can't dislike something. i'm saying you shouldn't post about how "horrible" something is after reading something with content you don't like.
weird stuff exists everywhere on the internet. either a, realize you messed up and move on, or b, move away from it. especially on a site like this, where content isn't filtered.
yes, there should have been warnings, but that's not what mangago, an illegal pirating site, does. they're under no obligation to in the first place. it's on you to be aware of this, not the site. if you find that the content you're reading isn't something you enjoy, or feel weird about, just drop it. don't push through it. nobody's forcing you to do anything you don't want to do.

honestly, not vibing with the way he's so insistent on not letting go of her. he's obviously not seeing her as a person and recognizing the fact that she actively does not want to be here. i really hope he lets her go and they fall in love later instead of it turning out to be that she never becomes a priest because he interferes and refuses to let her go or strikes some kind of bad one-sided deal with her.

BEAT HIS ASS. BEAT HIM UP!!!! also, at this point, i don't even care about habibi, why is this adult woman creating more problems than the actual supposed problems in the story? you're an adult! you should be able to at least, take care of yourself (the drinking) and respect the choices of others! that's something adults should be able to do, dear god.
this hit home for me. it's nice to see people like me who aren't villainized. as someone who actually tries really hard to be kind but "sincere" about myself, i resonate deeply with the way he felt about "loving" someone. i too thought i had to be like the other children to be accepted by those around me, because it meant i could satisfy the "curiosity" i had about other humans. this author does a very good job of portraying what it's like not to understand the emotions of others (with the 0 analogy), but want to try regardless. i have gone through a lot of growth myself, and i'm grateful that there were many around me willing to teach me how to be "normal" when i was growing up. <3