rosehearts created a topic of Pearl Boy


rosehearts created a topic of Pearl Boy
rosehearts add 1 photos to
rosehearts created a topic of Cry Me a River

Jitae with glasses is jus scrumptious

rosehearts created a topic of Night Song

Awww not the kids wanting to be set free. That’s actually so sad those poor kids didn’t know anything

Started reading this today imma come back when i’m all caught up☠

Jeongyoon sister is fighting for her and his life at the table she’s a real mvp

rosehearts created a topic of Stand At Attention!

Wait a damn minute who is the top☠

rosehearts created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

So we’re all ignoring the fact the teacher literally almost stabbed this king kong sized man? He might be the problem here

rosehearts created a topic of Private Call

Uht oh we have new contestants on the board for fucking every chapter Ngl I feel like I was the only one who was actually looking forward to seeing what snacks he got him

rosehearts created a topic of Roses and Champagne

I like how we all agreed on the fact that caesar is growing cuz he didn’t shoot leewon like it’s the fact that we’re even used to caesar shooting him up

rosehearts created a topic of 2020

Welp we all know what’s about to happen

rosehearts created a topic of 1 to 10

Notice how it’s always the ex’s tryna clock the bottoms tea like damn there is so many OTHER people in the bl world like get urself a relationship, get a hobby or sum

rosehearts created a topic of Roses and Champagne


Imma start reading today because i saw a cute frog

rosehearts created a topic of Cry Me a River

Jian needs to run away to somewhere quiet w Jin or sum omg

Omggg somebody find Ari a real man like I actually feel so bad for her