Oh so he was jus jealous and lowkey obsessed got it
Ok, I get we’re all serious rn but it’s the fact je-oh’s twin(I forgot his name) said sorry to the president like that was gonna fix the stab wound
Why is hui-jae arguing with mr.perm and he barely said anything to him
Fun fact: You close your eyes if they ever argue cuz when you open them they are gonna be fucking in the next panel!
Ermm so I finished reading it and first of all that was the most unexpected bottom I lowkey thought jinwoon was going to get on top of mr.park when he was tied up but this manga is something else like not Jinwoons friend being in on it omg. Also why is it normalized putting food up the characters buttholes like please stop this madness☠
I’m crying like I didn’t even read the manga yet but the images and the captions under it is so funny
Ok but why his mi-eum flexible like I was not expecting his leg to go that far up
Yaichi is so polite when he was getting freaky with Riku
Nah they talked this over wayyy to quick and he literally said he was there and followed them so wouldn’t he have heard what gunjoon said so why is he like repeating everything. We’ll move that out the way too been actin way too fishy I’m not a expert in dealing w relationship issues but something ain’t right
I love how the ghost helped hui-jae get the thugs to leave him alone for the night but I have a question. When we first saw the ghost was it trying to warn hui-jae to stay abt from mop head and his thugs because she knew the outcome? Like she was just acting like they were together so they would stop seeing each other idk how to explain it
Judging by the photos taken of the manga panels this looks like some toxic shit
YES THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR also side note I love Nok’s birthmark
no cuz why is he getting fucked by tentacles omg i can’t read pass the first page
she does have options she jus don’t kno u better claim her before it’s tew late
Im seeing a lot of hate comments but the art looks good can ik if this is a good manga
i’ve definitely seen it all cuz TOMATOES?! WHO THOUGHT OF THIS IDEA?sat back and thought what if i jus draw him putting tomatoes in his asshole while having sex
Ok since geanwoo is taking a break for some reason i feel like he is going to look different when he comes backmaybe i read to many mangas like that