Mrs.Jeon (lady w purple hair- Ian rmr her name either i had to go back) she is going to do anything in her power to knock Je-oh and Seong-rok down. She is still mad about the fact Seong-rok betrayed her and left her for Je-oh..I feel like in the future there is gonna be a big ass altercation between their companies because we already know that other purple haired dude has a large at business and who tf cares they only added that because something big is gonna happen. But as soon as Je-ohs lil company gets bigger you already know that’s gonna be the pawns revenge like is rlly cannot wait or maybe he’s gonna get back on EVERYONE that had him fucked up when his company gets bigger.. Like Je-oh really went though some shit. Seong-rok did too but damn.

Uhh so next chapter Seong-rok steps on his rib cage n jus starts beating the shit outta the blonde guys then he picks up the wood n aims it at his balls n yk he bangs the wood on his balls so for all the ppl wondering if he was dead he isnt n the dude w the black hair it’s a few chapters after buttt je-oh was spanking him w some wood

From the first chapter of season 2 you can tell that these workers are gonna be assholes and you guys see how seong-rok stopped them from talking also the last chapter that dude(I forgot his name ) he said the workers don’t give a damn abt them they jus want to yk what. Also Je-oh was literally a prostitute so it’s fucked up to say this but it was bound to happen.
Also the only thing that’s throwing me off is that they changed Je-oh’s personality but it makes sense because he is going back to a place that traumatized him and he needed to make money.
Yeomin is like a child in a adult body he’s so fricking adorable