I think the art style changes are not that bad. However, I think the personalities changed too. Or is it just me?
In the beginning I thought Ianna was much more cooler. And now she suddenly became a little lovely girl. And with Arhad they are acting strange. In the beginning they were a little mysterious, what I loved, and now they are a silly couple. Why? I hoped I can see a big change in the story, when they recognize each other's feelings and then become fellows in arms. Plus they belie their actions and everything what they did or say after the first art style change.
I am a little sad ╥﹏╥
What do you think?

Well, I suppose this "coolness" you're talking about was the fact that she was quite angry most of the time in the beginning of the series, and with good reason. She also was granted more reasons to show off her strength and ruthlessness to those who insulted her (not that she was showing off). Since she's been taking a break from spending time with shitty people, she's been more calm. So I guess that's the reason she's "changed." Cause the story doesn't really give her a chance to show that side of her anymore.
I don't she's changed at all, since she's generally a calm and cool character in general unless angered.

Hmmm.... This is a good point.
If you compare her eyes in the beginnin with how it changed in the end, you can see that they are softer. It can be because of the art style or because what you wrote (that she became more calm), but whatever the reason, I think she lost some from her strong and confident attitude.
I suppose this is my main problem. I thought it was her personality to be strong and confident. So even if your environment becomes calm your personality won't change, leastwise in this short time what she spended on the academia, it shouldn't change.

After reading and comparing the beginning and the end of the chapters that are available, I think you might be right.
At the beginning of the series, not only was she strong and confident, but she was also mature and prideful.
With the new art style and the way Ianna is presented, I think the author or artist changed her to become more friendly, cheerful, approachable, and more her age.
For example, in chapter 98, page 33, Ianna is shown with sparkling eyes, eager to hear something Arhad, which is something that was the past Ianna would have the reluctance to do.
But I also still think that her environment from being surrounded by good people who treat her with respect also influenced her.
So I think both of us are right.

I agree with your statement! I feel as if the characters are so different from the beginning but they never gave an explaination! In my opinion, I enjoyed the old art better because the art style brings out a more mysterious and aloof looking characters while the current art style is more of a little lovely couple who never faces danger!!! The difference is like the sun and the moon. In some ways they are similar such as the color but even then I feel like there is some sort of difference. The two art stules just bring out different vibes and auras so it makes it seem as if the characters personality has changed as well!

I don't agree at all, about the chararacter's personality changing.
I think they still the same character's, just in different places in their live's with different people and different time. I don't think they make them diffierent from who they are.
Iana is still a badass, prideful and strong confidant women. that didn't change at all! she still standing by her own belief and want she believe in and no one can take that from her.
it just remind me of those who keep bitching about the art.
which I"m tired off =_= yeas we get it, you don't like the art or those that decided the art is ugly now.

We never said that we didn't like the current art style nor did we say that it's ugly. We just said that we prefered the old art style more. Stop being so rude! You think people can't have their own opinion? That's terrible and very insulting! I respect your opinion, I get that you think in the different area Ianna is currently in she acts slightly different but still has the same opiniom! I never said that you are just bitching the old artist, am I? So don't be so rude towards other peoples opinion!!!

it's not about opinion, clearly. you try to make a fact that the character personality change cause of the art you don't "prefer" what is BULLSHIT!
the characters didn't change, and it doesn't matter what kind of art you prefer or not prefer. art is an art, character's actions is character's actions and personality. if you can't see the difference between this two things, then you can't say you not bitching about the art. cause this whole thing you making is about the art. and yeas I"m sick of this pointless argument.

Of course a characters actions and personality doesn't change just because the art changed but the art style that is currently being used gives of a different aura and vibe towards the characters! Even if the characters personality doesn't change, the art style just gives of a diefferent vibe which can make some things feel different.

Well, firstly, if you are sick of this, then do not read the comments. Sorry, but I wanted to say this.
Secondly, the art can change the character. What do you think, why mangakas draw twenty characters to choose one of them? Because that drawing represents the best the personality which they wanted. But of course, the character's phrases are important, too.
Thirdly, there is no problem with the art. If you read that someone prefered the older style, the she/he prefered that. That is all. I liked the older one better, too, but I do not have any problem with the actual one, because I am interested in the story. But I feel that some things changed other than the art, and I think that are the personalities. If you think the personalities did not changed, than good for you! I am happy, that you did not feel the same way as me.
And I want to make clear that I just wanted to ask your opinions about MY problem. This was not a bitching topic. I was happy that there were peaceful, logical answers. So please do not do this, do not make this section full of hateful comments. I just wanted to comfirm something, that is all.
There are a lot of mangas and manhwas where I do not agree with a lot of comments, but I do not care about them, because I do not want to be annoyed. I search for those comments which are much for my taste. I hope you will do this in the future, too. And I am sorry for making this comment so looong. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

1. I mean I sick of this kind of people that keep bitching about the same thing, while they can't even draw (I didn't mean this topic) XD and no I won't stop to read comment's just cause stupid people keep bitching about stupid stuff.
2. you never write a story in your life? in a book you don't have any art, so how can you built a character personality? their action's and thought's. and yeas manga is the same way, even if it have "art" in it, it still need a story for it to work. and yeas a story is build on top of action's and thought's of the characters. so no you wrong actually. even if art give something "more" to a character, her action's and thought and development is still the most important!
3. I never said there is any problem with the art, I actually said the opposite. and I never sew any change in it until I read the comment's that keep whining how "different" the art is, which it really not that much and how they whine about " it sooo bad" bla bla bla." well no matter what we will say I think they will never give the art a break. I didn't mean this topic, I mean in general. that how it feel to me ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
so prefer what you want and like who you want, that all I will say about this.

I don’t want to start a fight but I honestly think that this conflict is a misunderstanding.
For one, I reread Maychan’s first response and for me she was actually quite neutral in stating her own opinion except at the last part which I presume Haruna took an offense and thus, became somewhat aggressive. I think Maychan is pointing out others not the original post, specifically.
That being that I do agree that the characters’s personalities had “changed” BUT not because of art style, it is because Arhad is in the picture.
You see, the art changed in the same manner that Arhad appeared and that’s where the conflict in readers started.
Not only do we have to adapt to the change, we are also introduced to a character we’ve been teased from the start and find out that the art of him has changed. It’s quite a lot to take in and in the end, it all depends on the reader.
But why is Arhad’s appearance a turning point NOT just to the reader but also to Ianna?
For the reader, it is that the change of art style is closely connected to the ML’s appearance, hence, what I’ve stated above.
For Ianna, it is the chance for a character development AND the fulfilment of a desire to see Arhad again because from the start, Ianna had wanted to go to Arhad’s side as soon as possible. Not only that, she views Arhad as her only equal thus, why she’s become calm. Her life had also stabilized at this point with no one underestimating her and bringing her down.
In conclusion, it was because Arhad is in the picture that Ianna had started to “change” and also why it is hard for the reader to see this change because not only is the character having a development but also because the art style had changed.
I do hope that shed light to the argument and that really, the two opinions isn’t right or wrong either since, it is a subjective view so sooner or later these views will clash.
P.S. I really love Ianna’s interactions thus far and I hope Arhad and her have more lovey-dovey moments (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
I hope it won't be dropped....!
Not at this point!!!!