I know Ido's being like this cause of the past life but, there's a huge difference in this life and that is Ido being very nice and caring towards sejin which makes it really unfair to sejin, who was showered with care and respect, only for that to be taken away cause of a past life he has no clue about.

taekyung stronger than me cause I would've been buried ages ago(I am not one of god's strongest soldiers) Also, this reminds me of 'legs that won't walk'. Although, I had the excuse of the ml in that being in the mafia making him ruthless and cruel but heeseo is just.....a cruel psycho, sure his past was more than fucked up BUT so was taekyung's :(

He drove her to the edge with his cruelty but I think she was never truly interested in his past, which I don't blame her for as she was born and raised as a privileged child AND he never tried to tell her so how is she supposed to know? Both of them made mistakes (Heiner being the worst case) but life's too short to have regrets and 'what if's' haunt you so it is what it is I guess
what a wonderful read <3 I think we all deserve parents like shougo and Levi