The second season looks unfair for Jin....why does he have to be an observer in his own relationship
Why the heck go through the trouble of making a poly relationship and then say that Jin and Ido are rivals. ARENT THEY IN A RELATIONSHIP TOGETHER AS WELL
The father was...not really the greatest. He pretty much fucked up both his sons huh
Grandma chibi was so cute. I don't think they should leave the town before grandma dies. I don't think I would want to leave my family alone in a hospital while I live in the city. I would want to visit them and keep them company. They raised me. So they better not leave her there
I think he is part undead. Maybe he has lost some memory? He is very open to his feelings. It feels like he is learning to be human again. I want to hope that there isn't something evil in him,the author has shown they want happy ending and strong willed,equal couples. So let's hope!
It was nice but I feel we kinda ignored some red flags
My god this is PROMISING. Teacher looks strong,kind and is open minded. Boss is gentle with kids,loves his people and a bit stupid. And I love it. He doesn't look the guy to force himself on others or suddenly become evil. So les hope this turns out well
It's not that he is good at head,it's that doc has no idea of getting it. YOU CANT BE A NATURAL AT HEAD
It's lovely to be invested in both the characters and their place of living
I was hopeful Kim dan would enjoy freedom and helping older people since he lives his granny so much but no. Apparently he is a pathetic manlet that likes being pushed around,being yelled at and disrespected
I want arisaka to be happy. I don't think takatore could ever give him true happiness, especially with taking his freedom away by force,manhandling him. I wish arisakas guy is truly good
Imagine your father doesn't face you at your wedding day and takes years to accept your sexuality only for him to go "...why not do anal coitus with a male".
Kim dans character is weak but it makes sense But I guess it make sense he didn't have a backbone. He was assaulted and thats traumatic ,a good reason as for why he doesn't fight back. Furthermore his grandma raised him to be gentle. So yeah it makes sense why he could fall for someone that had physically attacked him. As someone mentioned though,no matter the tragic backstory,Mr assholes character is awful. Kim dan has been through so much yet ge never abused others
I hope he suffers! I hope Kim Dan's grandma is enjoying the sunsets!