Title Update Recommend
Drama with heavy plot (139) 2022-10-28 1
Finale(200) 2022-02-25 0
Manga which I never listed before(200) 2020-10-31 0
Non-Bl works that I enjoy (56) 2022-09-24 0
Rereadble manhwa(2) 2023-02-28 0
Stories that made my heart clenched (13) 2023-02-27 0
Totally Re-readable! (200) 2018-12-19 0
Twisted but I like! (104) 2023-03-05 1
Unfinished (24) 2022-02-02 0
fav? (200) 2020-04-20 0
list(81) 2024-03-21 0

yoru's List Tags