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YKA September 3, 2023 3:46 am

Cale looks like a bully while holding those bat XD Hahahhaha and yes. Didn't expect mueller to be that cute

YKA July 12, 2021 12:03 pm

1. Definition incest:
Incest is sexual relations between people classed as being too closely related to marry each other. the crime of having sexual intercourse with a parent, child, sibling, or grandchild.

The ML is closely related as a familiar/guardian/demon/demon dragon that following the FL. Not a closely related as in family although everyone sees them like family, the dead (the mother and the people that knew) know they are not and that devil is a curse(?) that will haunt people that make wishes/contract with them. Ngl, the mother made wishes felt miserable and rn the FL felt miserable. But it's their selfishness in wishing something they should not. Their wish bought their misery.

He is born because his mother's ancestors had killed a devil before. Just think as Anabelle? They had contact with the devil and it goes on around the family and spreading to people that kept the reminiscent of the doll? In this case, the mother's family kept the demon dragon hand, wing, etc.

The ML is a dragon. Let me just spill the tea.

2. If you guys ever see Anabelle, you know the haunted ghost/demon follows you. Same as this one. The ML is demon/dragon/devil/familiar from the mother side.

The mother gave birth to a daughter and a dragon. The dragon is there because it follows FL. Now, you might want to fight it is incest because the mother gave birth to the dragon. Yes, the mother gave birth to a dragon. But-- let's say in Anabelle, a person gave birth to twinnies and one of them is a demon that "guarding" the twinnie. Will you call that person as related? It, not even a human. It is a demon that guarding you

Some might say yes and some might say no. Thus it will become an incest issue. You can tell me your opinion on this.

# And I wish the one handling this able to cross out those warnings about incest. It results in readers that want to read but stop due to incest.

I respect your worries about our society in incest but it is not. It is like a demon, that supposed to protect you (because your ancestor killed this demon so the demon needs to oblige your whole family) become twisted into "loving/overprotective" of you.

You can tell me if I'm wrong but I hope you guys can also tell me why you kept calling this incest? That dragon doesn't even have an umbilical cord and just there preying watching on FL. There is no umbilical cord so I don't think you can assume the dragon "born" from the mother. At least, have an egg for the dragon to be "born" from the same mother.

ML just there wanting to be with the baby FL. Like how those devil corpses fall back into the mother's hand and want to be in her possession.

So can anyone tell me how you guys see this as incest? And sorry if there is a typo or you guys could not understand what I am trying to say. I just want to see your guys POV on which it is said to be incest? Because the same family registration? Is that it?

    YKA July 12, 2021 12:28 pm

    You guys can comment why you seeing it as incest.

    At least we in the dark, know what is the issue to be labeled as incest

    Laden July 12, 2021 12:37 pm

    Yeah they are not related by blood so it technically isn't incest incest but it doesn't change the fact that they were raised as family. They both still think of each other as siblings so their relationship is still really weird and in some way incestuous.

    SadeReader July 12, 2021 1:18 pm

    Honestly, I feel like I've written this 10 times for different people in this CS.
    Anyways, I prefer to look at the reasons for both opinions and choose the one I agree with more. On the one hand:
    They came out and were formed from the same womb
    They were raised as brother and sister
    They look exactly the same when human
    And most importantly, they themselves recognise each other as siblings.

    But on the other hand:
    They are technically not the same species
    He was born through magical means and not biological
    And they were not formed from the same sperm
    In my opinion the former reasons are enough for me to consider it twincest, so I think people should just choose which side they believe holds more significance.
    If the circumstances of their birth are confusing, then here's an example of a similar situation: Imagine a young girl born from a husband and wife, a normal human girl, but one day her mother gives birth to a son that was born from the sperm of a vampire and not her husband, so she gives birth to a half vampire that has similar facial features to the members of their family. Now let's say that those two children were raised together by the husband and wife, and they grew up as brother and sister. If they one day slept with each other, would you consider it to be incest between half siblings? If you do, then you can relate it to this situation and say that this is also incest between half siblings. And if you don't, then I guess you can say that this is also not incest.

    Also, another thing I like to look at is the authors reference to it. And in this manhwa it has been referred to as incest multiple times, so I personally consider to be incest.

    YKA July 12, 2021 2:01 pm
    Yeah they are not related by blood so it technically isn't incest incest but it doesn't change the fact that they were raised as family. They both still think of each other as siblings so their relationship is ... Laden

    Thank you for your reply. I understand because as I see, it is the family registration issue. Because you know they are not related by blood, because one of them is dragon watching the FL. But the relationship establishes to the public is true; brother and sister (as stated in family registration altho they are not real families).

    Thank you for replying. because I do see that one as a problem that people will see too

    YKA July 12, 2021 2:19 pm
    Honestly, I feel like I've written this 10 times for different people in this CS.Anyways, I prefer to look at the reasons for both opinions and choose the one I agree with more. On the one hand:They came out an... SadeReader

    hahaha haha thank you and I really love your reply and sorry you commented on 10 people on CS already

    YKA July 12, 2021 2:26 pm
    You guys can comment why you seeing it as incest.At least we in the dark, know what is the issue to be labeled as incest YKA

    And those that felt burn being sinful of reading few chapters seeing incest, I respect your purity but please also respect the others that already read until the end.

    and please stop commenting "ah my eyes, sinful, etc." I know it is your privacy in commenting.

    and please do know it is also your responsibility that continues to keep reading. If you are unable to be in the dark, don't go too much deeper into it. Know when to stop.

    Your responsibility of curiosity so doesn't make an irresponsible comment. People that want to know about incest or not, it is based on your POV as said by the other person. So, take your risk and read the spoiler first.

    Thank you for people replying and if there is another issue, (other than the issue of public image/society opinion seeing them as brother and sister so you also viewing them as the society's inside the manga/manhwa) do tell your POV of why this is incest.

    Mostly is due to family registration established is brother and sister. Although it happened because people did not know the truth. If those medieval people know the truth, the baby dragon will be killed already. But they need a male heir so although the nonhuman devil dragon is the only male heir-- they need to take them.

    YKA July 12, 2021 2:31 pm
    You guys can comment why you seeing it as incest.At least we in the dark, know what is the issue to be labeled as incest YKA

    Our views are different.
    We both know the truth.

    The people that saying it not incest, are people who know the truth and not obliging the law established, not follow society's view that they are siblings seeing that devil human being weird.

    The people saying it is incest, are people who know the truth and obliging the law established, following society's view that they are siblings. Those are siblings with family relationships and accepting the human altho they are not.

    YKA July 12, 2021 2:42 pm
    Honestly, I feel like I've written this 10 times for different people in this CS.Anyways, I prefer to look at the reasons for both opinions and choose the one I agree with more. On the one hand:They came out an... SadeReader

    I'm sorry. I did reply to this one long but when I refresh back the CS, it just a short of me apologizing you need to comment again on CS and I amazed at your point that point out people view that is more significant. and thank you for your reply. As you said, it depends on the individual POV and I do respect your opinion on that. It is a family issue problem.

    1. Look the same in human form because it is the demon-made male version of the daughter. They don't want them to know his real look. That is why look the same in human form.
    2. They both established themselves as siblings. Indeed they do, and society, the public, the kingdom, etc all established them as siblings too. Altho the mother may not approve of that person and treat him like a monster and even gave FL a chastitiy belt to wear.

    Because those people (mother and people that know) know the truth and disapprove that one as a child. not a human but as a monster.

    3. Indeed the author made it incestuous remark and I want them to stop it made people not reading their artwork because of that theme. but maybe that is also the author's selling point in creating this dark story so the incestuous need to be there, and only curious enough.. you able to continue read them.

    Thank you for replying. I did replied this but when i refreshed, some parts are missing already but thank you for replying.

    SadeReader July 12, 2021 4:30 pm
    hahaha haha thank you and I really love your reply and sorry you commented on 10 people on CS already YKA

    Nah, it's just that there was a lot of people who were confused by others saying it was or wasn't incest

    SadeReader July 12, 2021 4:32 pm
    I'm sorry. I did reply to this one long but when I refresh back the CS, it just a short of me apologizing you need to comment again on CS and I amazed at your point that point out people view that is more sign... YKA

    You're welcome. And thank you for taking the time to say all this (◕ᴗ◕✿)

YKA's questions ( All 3 )

YKA October 29, 2017 12:27 pm

Does anyone know this manga?
- about a girl that think herself bad luck (due to her mom death during give her birth and his father death while bring her toys while falling down the stairs) and end up live with her uncle. She always scared to get friendly with others as she afraid they will also get bad luck. HOWEVER, there a guy in his classroom get know her and they end up couple. And they did it at the guy house while the girl uncle search for her and spam her text ask where is she. the last text said he will kill her if she get her and IDK what happen but its happy ending(?) my friend forgot what the manga name, my friend tell me about the manga-- too much of suspense and want to read it. please help

YKA October 29, 2017 12:26 pm

Does anyone know this manga?
- about a girl that think herself bad luck (due to her mom death during give her birth and his father death while bring her toys while falling down the stairs) and end up live with her uncle. She always scared to get friendly with others as she afraid they will also get bad luck. HOWEVER, there a guy in his classroom get know her and they end up couple. And they did it at the guy house while the girl uncle search for her and spam her text ask where is she. the last text said he will kill her if she get her and IDK what happen but its happy ending(?) my friend forgot what the manga name, my friend tell me about the manga-- too much of suspense and want to read it. please help ╥﹏╥

    Fly high October 29, 2017 12:54 pm
    This reply was deleted by the author of the post @Anonymous

    Fuck yourself you shitty mouth ....

    YKA October 29, 2017 1:00 pm
    Fuck yourself you shitty mouth .... Fly high

    thanx for the defend

    Tsubasa October 29, 2017 1:45 pm

    following, sorry

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