Can someone to spoiler what will happen to Taesan? Please please

Thank you very much! I find a novel and read some chapters, all I understood: Taesan failed his exams to university because of a stress from bullying, and this asshole still stalking him even till the end of their school years can you tell me a little more about Taesan's ending, please ? He's my favourite character, I find Taeson the beautiful and the strongest person of that novel, but I'm a little sad because of how much damage that asshole and his classmates did to him, and that bastard was still near him

Taesan grows to hate junwoo completely. Junwoo thought by forcing his disgusting lust will eventually make taesan cave but he didn't. He does fail from all the stress plus he was missing school and stuff and that just fucked his chances to pass and go to uni. The junwoo bitch really ruined him by making him anxious and shit. Throughout that time he wasn't in the right headspace to just concentrate on his studies. In the end taesan stops being scared of him and he puts an end to things. Junwoo is a toothless bum at this point btw(that's just how I imagined it

Another disgusting pedo manga... I'm so sick of this. Looking at other author's works they're pro to draw such sh*t, lol. And manga readers pretending this is not a pedo content. Everything is normal as long as this is entertaining, right?

i think you completely missunderstand what it means to criticise smth..you can only criticise thing when you went in knowing what was to be expected but came out with a completely different outcome. for example you can’t go into a vegan restaurant and criticise them for not having meat on the menū..same way you can’t come to shota territory with obvious shota content and get mad that you found shotas and people who love said media. and yes people including me do love shota it’s just what we are into and it’s fiction..you’ll live.

No, I can! Are you seriously comparing vegan restaurant with pedofile content?? Why are you pedo defenders are so ridiculous? You don't even sound sane. How you could compare vegan restaurant with pedofile manga about loveline between 17 yo student and 10 yo child?? Oh, sorry, not pedo manga, shota content. You, people, are so smart for made up a whole genre for that disgusting shit, to call it "shota" instead of "pedo"! If you calling horse a cat, it won't stop to be a horse. Why are you pretending I'm a wrong for calling pedo content disgusting? You all sick in a head, and need to check reality, if you think criticise pedofile content the same as criticise vegan restaurant.

Girl.. any content that shows minor x adult in romantic/sexual content is called child porn and anyone who willing engages in such content are pedophiles, it genuinely pisses me off when people think just cause it's pixels it doesn't matter, nga are you slow?? You think people are just gonna stop here?? This is often the gateway to other content and disturbing behaviors. Why do you think law officials do raids in pedophile houses to find evidence of engagement in such activities despite not actually touching real children as you claim?? It's insane how you can't see the harm this statement alone makes

i acc don’t care? i honestly don’t gaf y’all are so funny trying to call people pedos bcc they know the diff btwn irl and fiction. all i am reading is “i wann feel good abt my self by criticising people who consume morally controversial content by calling them pdf” as the previous commenter said it’s either y’all are in denial of liking shota too and if you aren’t them u really shouldn’t be in thai comment section. shotcon have existed for yrs online and will still continue to exist no matter how much y’all kick ur legs, cry and roll on the ground. so telling us that “y’all are pdfs” won’t do anything it just makes u look pathetic bcz ur brain isn’t developed eneough to set fiction aside from reality.

@fluffy_magnus bitch are you hearing yourself?? You're literally reading "SHOTACON" involving pedophilia and talking about "defamation" XD the hypocrisy! and i am a fully functional 22 y/o adult with enough braincells to understand how fucking wrong this shit is,if someone's actually a kid here then it will be you ,i am guessing you're around 16 or 17 y/o that's why your only logic is "we can support whatever tf we want because it's fiction but you can't call us by names, it's defamation, it's so serious omg" cry about it fLuFfY MaG-AnUs

"won’t do anything it just makes u look pathetic bcz ur brain isn’t developed eneough to set fiction aside from reality." - I can to set fiction from reality, and I'm pretty sure authors who drawing such things are sick IN REALITY. This isn't just my imagination, I know one artist who drawing such sh*t, and texting how much they loving to watch child p*rn. Videos with real children. And even knowing that some idiots in internet defending that artist. So I'm not surprised to see such people here as well. And I know some examples of artists who sexualised children in movies/mangas/songs, and later finds out to be a pedo.
This is the real life people who making fanfiction, because of them I'm sure people who drawing such sh*t are sick in the head and can be dangerous to real children.
Another commenter already said everything I think about it, I just quote her text to you.
"You think people are just gonna stop here?? This is often the gateway to other content and disturbing behaviors. Why do you think law officials do raids in pedophile houses to find evidence of engagement in such activities despite not actually touching real children as you claim?? It's insane how you can't see the harm this statement alone makes"

Kiyoi, without any hate, that "plain guy" is the best among three of you. Hira looks good and as an attractive man next to him, not as a weirdo with stalking behaviours (again without any dislike and hate). I can't help but think they would look good together, a couple with healthy relationship. But this manga about Kiyoi and Hira and about their a little dysfunctional relationship, so, well, I'm okay with it either.

Don't ever do such things near to a kid. No matter if they're sleeping or not, and no matter if they're just a half a year old.

(I can’t see your reply,,, but) I should clarify, I was sleeping and it wasn’t abuse like ignoring / neglecting me in a waking state and going at it
So many people have had this happen if they slept in the same bed as their parents (which I did) or in the same room (me) and even in an adjacent room. For victims like us, we have to eventually accept the ways of nature

I can't stand how author draws one character like 14 yo boy and other one as adult man, and it happens in ALL her mangas. This age gap is so noticeable, I'm uncomfortable to read no matter how good plot and art is

I thought I was the only one that noticed that he looked kind of childlike, it's just weird to be. I ran into the same issue with bride of the Ignat, the whole story was so out of place because he looked like a kid. I'm not sure what's with this author and why they're so allergic to drawing the main characters so they look like adults.

I don't understand why people think, that Eunyung's mother is less abusive than his father. Did you all forget how she came in Eunyung school? How scared he was? How she tryed to intimidate Jaewon, when he stood up for Eunyung? How she manipulated with "secretly pinch Eunyung in front of others", so he can look like a crazy in other's people eyes? How she said to live him on streets, when he ran away from home? After all of this do you seriously think that she's just a poor woman married on abusive person?
Wow, it's become dark really fast